Auto Save Queries

snake_eyes's profile image snake_eyes posted 6 years ago in General Permalink


I'm currently using another software for a long time, but now trying to switch to HeidiSQL, I'm currently running on the latest version. but the problem that I'm facing it is I'm lost the written queries when I restart the computer or when the app closed due to unexpected error etc..

So, is there any option can be added to autosave the queries every 5 minutes etc...

Warm Regards

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 6 years ago Permalink

Not yet. Issue #140 is on the plan for the next release.

Alternative: look at the query history, shown in the right panel. All user-fired queries are listed there, except for larger scripts.

snake_eyes's profile image snake_eyes posted 6 years ago Permalink

Thank you.

I'm already using it now. waiting the Issue #140 to be closed


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