Connection success but no tables

chengj's profile image chengj posted 5 years ago in Creating a connection Permalink

when i build a connection,the script 'show table status from xxx ;' execute failed with 'no database named xxx' but i can use the script 'use xxx; show tables; (or show table status)'

but i can still query data with sql ,and when i double click data result , it prompt 'can't find table [db].[table] '

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink
  • latest HeidiSQL version installed?
  • which server/version?
chengj's profile image chengj posted 5 years ago Permalink
  1. Yes,The version is 10.02
  2. I'm so sorry to explain that the server i connected is a proxy-client of many databases,it could be the proxy's problem?
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink

Might be, yes. Is it some MySQL proxy or are we talking about Microsoft SQL? Perhaps you can describe it more detailed so I can try to find a workaround?

chengj's profile image chengj posted 5 years ago Permalink

It is MySQL proxy. The proxy had integrate multipile different versions of the MySQL servers(ver5.6~ver5.8). The version of my connection server is MySQL5.6

chengj's profile image chengj posted 5 years ago Permalink

I have an another error just now. the situation is: I open the connection created at yesterday, it prompts some errors: Description

This connection is the connection we have talked.

Code modification/commit ac8190f from Ansgar Becker <>, 5 years ago, revision
Suppress errors in GetLockedTableCount, which is not working on all servers:
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink

Please update to the next build. I am now suppressing errors due to that unimportant query which is causing that "in_use" error.

But we will have to find out why there are no tables. Please post an excerpt of the SQL log at the bottom, after you got that "can't find table [db].[table]" error.

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