Query Tab Row Auto Upside Down

Sandi's profile image Sandi posted 5 years ago in General Permalink

If we open many query tabs, then HeidiSql create several rows for tab.

When we click upper row, the row go down, and I feel confused by where exactly "position" of the query tab that I want.

  1. Is it intended behaviour? Should (row + tab) stay where it is exactly?

  2. Query tab title width should at same size (not auto width by title text), so it feel more in order / neat between upper row and lower row?

Thanks :)

Sandi's profile image Sandi posted 5 years ago Permalink

Up again.

Can we make "rows of tabs" position fixed? X_X

Sandi's profile image Sandi posted 5 years ago Permalink


Found similar post, someone (7 years ago) had the same thought as me X_X

Hope Ansgar can fix / make setting for this "confusing" behaviour :)

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink

The tab positioning is quite limited. I can only disable "multiline", so some scroll button appears when space is low:


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