file does not exist c:/program files/heidisql

abra's profile image abra posted 5 years ago in General Permalink


Just installed heidisql, choose postgresql and open but error is:

file does not exist: c:/program files/heidisql please launch heidisql from the directory where you have installed it. Or just reinstall heidisql.

I tried running both from start menu and folder itself, same error. Very easy to reproduce, just install, run try to open a connection.


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink

I suppose the error message you posted is incomplete. You should post a screenshot perhaps. And please also post the exact version of HeidiSQL. You could also install the latest HeidiSQL build, from the download page, to see if that already helps.

Testing123's profile image Testing123 posted 5 years ago Permalink

I have the exact same issue. Just downloaded latest, installed - get same error. Reinstall as admin, same error. Screen shot here. Later screen error might also say to download the C redistributable but with Visual Studio 2019 and other .NET things I'd think I had that too.


Help appreciated - thank you :)

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink

The "Library" dropdown is empty, because the user which you use to run heidisql.exe cannot list the files in C:\Program Files\HeidiSQL\, or there are not libqp*.dll files in there. Please check that. E.g. with a cmd.exe shell, running this command:

dir "C:\Program Files\HeidiSQL\"

I suppose that gives you "Access denied" or something. Otherwise, post the displayed .dll files here.

Testing123's profile image Testing123 posted 5 years ago Permalink

There are 3 entries. I've tried it with them and without.


Trying it with libmariadb.dll leads to this "install VC Redistributable" error


So I just tried that link and downloaded the "fix" which when I ran it only gave me the choices of "repair, uninstall, or cancel" - which means I already had it. So I did repair anyway, which said it was successful. Restarted Heidi, chose PostgreSQL and libmariadb.dll and still get the Library error you see in this post.

Suggestions? Thanks for the help.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink

libmariadb and libmysql are of course not meant to be used for PostgreSQL. Instead, the dropdown should display some "libpq*.dll" files. Please save the session and look into that Library dropdown again.

Did you already install the latest build as written above?

Testing123's profile image Testing123 posted 5 years ago Permalink

When I start Heidi, and pick Postgres, those 3 dlls shown in my earlier message are the only items in the drop down list. So no "libpg*.dll" files are an option there. And the install of the fix (or "repair"), as mentioned above, said it was successful. Only thing I haven't done is a full reboot but not sure that'll make any difference and can't do that till later this week.

Suggestions? I'm open to a screen share session if you want to do some troubleshooting. Thanks

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink

Did you already try that command I mentioned above?

  • open cmd.exe
  • run command: dir "C:\Program Files\HeidiSQL\"
  • post here what is displayed
john2049's profile image john2049 posted 5 years ago Permalink


I have the exact same issue with a fresh install of your software on Windows 10 x64. I tried to connect to a postgresql DB. Here is the content of the directory as requested :

Directory of C:\Program Files\HeidiSQL

03/12/2020  12:48 PM    <DIR>          .
03/12/2020  12:48 PM    <DIR>          ..
11/02/2017  11:51 AM            18,330 gpl.txt
12/11/2019  11:26 AM        19,774,007 heidisql.exe
11/02/2017  11:51 AM         1,655,296 libeay32.dll
11/02/2017  11:51 AM         1,687,930 libiconv-2.dll
11/02/2017  11:51 AM           685,350 libintl-8.dll
10/08/2019  06:05 PM           299,944 libmariadb.dll
07/23/2019  05:43 PM         4,879,360 libmysql-6.1.dll
01/09/2018  09:04 PM         4,747,776 libmysql.dll
11/02/2017  11:51 AM           183,296 libpq.dll
01/02/2019  08:54 PM             1,888 license.txt
03/12/2020  12:48 PM    <DIR>          plugins
11/02/2017  11:51 AM           348,160 ssleay32.dll
03/12/2020  12:48 PM             9,588 unins000.dat
03/12/2020  12:48 PM         2,672,977 unins000.exe
              13 File(s)     36,963,902 bytes
               3 Dir(s)  361,146,060,800 bytes free

Thanks for the help

john2049's profile image john2049 posted 5 years ago Permalink

EDIT: same with the portable version of the software

john2049's profile image john2049 posted 5 years ago Permalink

EDIT : the latest build (HeidiSQL_10.3.0.5918_Setup.exe) fixes the issue. Now both libpq-10.dll and libpq-12.dll are shipped with the installer and available in the dropdown list.

Testing123's profile image Testing123 posted 5 years ago Permalink

My version actually does shoe a libpq.dll - not sure why it's not an option - here is my listing: c:\Program Files\HeidiSQL&gt;dir Volume in drive C is Windows-SSD Volume Serial Number is 1298-DB2E

Directory of c:\Program Files\HeidiSQL

03/10/2020 03:44 PM &lt;DIR&gt; . 03/10/2020 03:44 PM &lt;DIR&gt; .. 11/02/2017 11:51 AM 18,330 gpl.txt 12/11/2019 11:26 AM 19,774,007 heidisql.exe 11/02/2017 11:51 AM 1,655,296 libeay32.dll 11/02/2017 11:51 AM 1,687,930 libiconv-2.dll 11/02/2017 11:51 AM 685,350 libintl-8.dll 10/08/2019 06:05 PM 299,944 libmariadb.dll 07/23/2019 05:43 PM 4,879,360 libmysql-6.1.dll 01/09/2018 09:04 PM 4,747,776 libmysql.dll 11/02/2017 11:51 AM 183,296 libpq.dll 01/02/2019 08:54 PM 1,888 license.txt 03/10/2020 03:44 PM &lt;DIR&gt; plugins 11/02/2017 11:51 AM 348,160 ssleay32.dll 03/10/2020 03:44 PM 18,156 unins000.dat 03/10/2020 03:43 PM 2,672,977 unins000.exe 13 File(s) 36,972,470 bytes 3 Dir(s) 213,617,729,536 bytes free

Testing123's profile image Testing123 posted 5 years ago Permalink


Testing123's profile image Testing123 posted 5 years ago Permalink

okay - so although I had installed the newest stable version just this week, per the above I ran the "check for updates" and found I'd been using the December 2019 build, so I installed the nightly per the update tool recommendation - now I can see libpq.dll in the GUI (despite previously being in CMD anyway, but not visible) and it works. Thanks! - Should update the main package I'm thinking...

spectrum48k's profile image spectrum48k posted 4 years ago Permalink

I confirm same problem and solution (Wine, MacOS Mojave) Build 6056 fixed up my problem. It's not obvious to install portable version and then update to night build. Hope this info will help.

heidisql date/time : 2020-07-22, 14:50:02, 753ms computer name : MJLQ user name : yarik &lt;admin&gt; operating system : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601 system language : Russian system up time : 5 days 6 hours program up time : 3 seconds processors : 8x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770HQ CPU @ 2.20GHz physical memory : 6397/17408 MB (free/total) free disk space : (C:) 85,10 GB (Z:) 85,10 GB display mode : 1440x900, 32 bit process id : $47 allocated memory : 39,60 MB largest free block : 4,21 GB executable : heidisql.exe exec. date/time : 2020-03-17 19:05 version : compiled with : Delphi 10.3 Rio madExcept version : 5.0.0 callstack crc : $45045e5a, $d05056ad, $d05056ad exception number : 1 exception class : Exception exception message : Попытка прочитать настройки сеанса без пути сеанса. main thread ($48): 009f4cc5 heidisql.exe apphelpers 3958 +12 TAppSettings.Read 7b00f307 kernelbase.dll RaiseException

gilc83's profile image gilc83 posted 4 years ago Permalink

Encountered the same issue with Postgres and the latest nightly build, both for the installer and the portable version. The problem is that the Postgres connection has no default library value, the value is empty in the begininng. Only after specifically selecting a library, it works.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

@gilc83 is that happening when you start Heidi via command line, or with the session manager window? I am asking because I am not able to reproduce that no longer. And you are sure you are using the latest build, not the latest release? (some seem to mix these up)

rodrigolopezguerra's profile image rodrigolopezguerra posted 3 years ago Permalink

Remember to select the library you want to use. If you leave it blank you ll get this error


iampankaj's profile image iampankaj posted 3 years ago Permalink


int main(void) { FILE *file;

if (file = fopen("demo.txt", "r")) 
    printf("file exists");
    printf("file doesn't exist");

return 0;


We can create a user-defined function and check if the file exists or not. Below is the program with a user-defined function.

hsmcdonald's profile image hsmcdonald posted 9 months ago Permalink

As @rodrigolopezguerra mentioned, you must select the library if you switch to 'PostgreSQL' from a different Network Type. When you make a switch, the Library field clears. Selecting the library solved the issue for me.

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  • after

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