10.3 is indistinct when win10 display zoom set to 125%/150%

zhafantian's profile image zhafantian posted 5 years ago in General Permalink

as title said, heidisql 10.3 release is indistinct when win10 display zoom set to 125%/150% then i try version 10.2 release , it is clear and it is properly zoomed everythere. it is probably something about the UI issue about zoom in 10.3 . windows tried to zoom big , but failed.

i use win10 1909.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink

High DPI support in HeidiSQL had various bugs left when I finally removed it. See the bugtracker with "high-dpi" labelled issues.

But you can configure HeidiSQL to apply application based scaling yourself. See this recent comment for how to do that.

zhafantian's profile image zhafantian posted 5 years ago Permalink

i see. then i will continue use heidisql without DPI. since it is so good to use. better than navicat. the first link is good, while the second link turns out 404

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink

Yes, I was also wondering about the not-found error. However, here's the same: https://www.windowscentral.com/how-improve-app-dpi-scaling-enabling-system-enhanced-feature-windows-10

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