multiple user profiles per Connection and ssh tunnel

libelah's profile image libelah posted 3 years ago in General Permalink


I hope this has not been asked already - I could not find something neither in the bugtracker nor the forum.

I do use HeidiSQL for multiple connections to a single server. Every connection uses its own pair of username and password and also different SSH tunnel usernames and passwords (or mostly keyfile in my case). If I am right I currently have to create a new (or duplicate an existing) connection with same settings for every single user/password pair or tick the option to prompt for it (where I have to lookup the usernames in my password manager every time as I can't remember them). Using multiple connections makes the list complex and changes to the hostname or something similiar are complex to make. Please correct me if I am wrong.

It would be very nice to have the ability to set multiple username/password pairs for a connection and for ssh tunnels. Once one wants to connect and there are multiple users there could be a select to choose the desired one.

What do you think? I wanted to ask here before creating a feature request on github.


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Quite a special case I'd say, not for the majority of users. Also difficult to implement, as the SSH user/password would have to be synced/mapped with the database user/password.

Did you see such a selector in some other application?

libelah's profile image libelah posted 3 years ago Permalink

Quite a special case I'd say, not for the majority of users.

May be, I can't tell. But may be some just did not think about it yet ;) Of course one could use root (if available) for Database and/or SSH and have access to everything at once this way. But as root more things can go wrong too, that's why I prefer to use users with limited access.

Also difficult to implement, as the SSH user/password would have to be synced/mapped with the database user/password.

If this could be implemented for the SQL connection only, it would be of great help already. I also think they don't necessarily need to be mapped. If I could choose from all ssh identities (with an internal, helpful title maybe), it would already solve the need to lookup the username from an external application.

Did you see such a selector in some other application?

Sadly not I have to admit. I miss it quite often though. I know applications where you can create "identities" and choose one of them for a connection on creation or edit. But this is actually not of great help as one needs to edit the connection every time. At least one can reuse the identity for multiple connections (but you should not use same credentials for multiple endpoints, right?).

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