I hope this has not been asked already - I could not find something neither in the bugtracker nor the forum.
I do use HeidiSQL for multiple connections to a single server. Every connection uses its own pair of username and password and also different SSH tunnel usernames and passwords (or mostly keyfile in my case). If I am right I currently have to create a new (or duplicate an existing) connection with same settings for every single user/password pair or tick the option to prompt for it (where I have to lookup the usernames in my password manager every time as I can't remember them). Using multiple connections makes the list complex and changes to the hostname or something similiar are complex to make. Please correct me if I am wrong.
It would be very nice to have the ability to set multiple username/password pairs for a connection and for ssh tunnels. Once one wants to connect and there are multiple users there could be a select to choose the desired one.
What do you think? I wanted to ask here before creating a feature request on github.