Hangs on query

santangelo's profile image santangelo posted 3 years ago in Running SQL scripts Permalink

The program hangs with a simply query like this: "SELECT * FROM redTipo"

Find attached the structure table and the 12 existing records (just only 12). The existing records were retrieved from phpmyadmin.

If we remove records 10, 11 and 12, the query functions ok. What is going on?

2 attachment(s):
  • 2022.03.14-Structure
  • 2022.03.14-Records
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Weird. Is HeidiSQL probably busy with something else on the same connection? Probably you can attach an sql export of that table, so I can try myself?

JayakumarC's profile image JayakumarC posted 3 years ago Permalink

After my upgrade to 6446, when I type '.' to pop my objects in a particular database and select an object, HeidiSQL is hanging. Please see the screen-shot below. Thanks. Description

santangelo's profile image santangelo posted 3 years ago Permalink

Hi Ansgar, find it attached

CREATE TABLE `redTipo` (
    `nombreTipo` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL COLLATE 'utf8_unicode_ci',
    `descripcionTipo` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL COLLATE 'utf8_unicode_ci',
    UNIQUE INDEX `nombreTipo` (`nombreTipo`) USING BTREE,
    UNIQUE INDEX `descripcionTipo` (`descripcionTipo`) USING BTREE,
    INDEX `i_tipo_nombre` (`idTipo`, `nombreTipo`) USING BTREE
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

@santangelog I just created that table and added 12 random rows, but no error here with the simple SELECT.

Perhaps you can export the data as SQL and attach it here? Should just not contain sensitive data.

santangelo's profile image santangelo posted 3 years ago Permalink

Find attached a one by one Insert. No sensitive data at all.

INSERT INTO redTipo (idTipo, nombreTipo, descripcionTipo) VALUES (1, 'router', 'Router');

INSERT INTO redTipo (idTipo, nombreTipo, descripcionTipo) VALUES (2, 'switch', 'Switch Administrable');

INSERT INTO redTipo (idTipo, nombreTipo, descripcionTipo) VALUES (3, 'bridge', 'Ethernet Bridge');

INSERT INTO redTipo (idTipo, nombreTipo, descripcionTipo) VALUES (4, 'firewall', 'Dispositivo Firewall');

INSERT INTO redTipo (idTipo, nombreTipo, descripcionTipo) VALUES (5, 'radioenlace', 'Radioenlace');

INSERT INTO redTipo (idTipo, nombreTipo, descripcionTipo) VALUES (6, 'accessPoint', 'Punto de Acceso WiFi');

INSERT INTO redTipo (idTipo, nombreTipo, descripcionTipo) VALUES (7, 'cloudKey', 'Administrador Redes WiFi');

INSERT INTO redTipo (idTipo, nombreTipo, descripcionTipo) VALUES (8, 'camara', 'Cámara CCTV');

INSERT INTO redTipo (idTipo, nombreTipo, descripcionTipo) VALUES (9, 'dvr', 'Digital Video Recording');

INSERT INTO redTipo (idTipo, nombreTipo, descripcionTipo) VALUES (10, 'desktop', 'Computadora de Escritorio');

INSERT INTO redTipo (idTipo, nombreTipo, descripcionTipo) VALUES (11, 'laptop', 'Ordenador Portátil');

INSERT INTO redTipo (idTipo, nombreTipo, descripcionTipo) VALUES (12, 'workstation', 'Work Station');

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Thanks. Though I still cannot reproduce a hanging here. Is the SELECT query still not working for you?

One thing you should do is updating to the latest build. Not sure which HeidiSQL version you are currently using.

santangelo's profile image santangelo posted 3 years ago Permalink

Version, 64 bits. Find attached image

I still have the problem with the query but only with this small table. In other tables with thousands of records, there is not any problem.

With others MySQL Administrators, Workbench, Valentina and PhpMyAdmin, no issues are present.

I can send a movie if necessary. It is really a weird failure, but it should be solved. Other problem is that a backup also hangs.

1 attachment(s):
  • 2022.03.15-Version
santangelo's profile image santangelo posted 3 years ago Permalink

The same query with Valentina Administrator, just for you to see.

We always prefer to use HeidiSQL. It is better for us.

1 attachment(s):
  • 2022.03.15-Valentina
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Please update to the latest build.

santangelo's profile image santangelo posted 3 years ago Permalink

Dear Ansgar, the latest build which I have downloaded from https://www.heidisql.com/download.php is

santangelo's profile image santangelo posted 3 years ago Permalink

Hi, updated to Last Version Problem still exists.

It might be some kind of additional libraries or plugins or programs missing. Please inform us on this

1 attachment(s):
  • 2022.03.16-Last-Version
santangelo's profile image santangelo posted 3 years ago Permalink

We have created a new database with this unique table and still fails.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Yes it might be libmariadb.dll or libmysql.dll. Which one is selected in your session settings?


Please install the latest installer: https://www.heidisql.com/installers/HeidiSQL_11.3.0.6444_Setup.exe It's 2 revisions behind the last build, but you can even update to it again after installing. Only the installer will get you newer libraries.

santangelo's profile image santangelo posted 3 years ago Permalink

Hi Ansgar, it is libmariadb.dll.

Before installing the version, I would like to entirey remove the actual HeidiSQL version, including the registry key.

So, which are the associated programs that must also be removed? Some Microsoft Visual C++? for example?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

The registry key is located in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\HeidiSQL

And yes, MS VC++ 2015-2019 redistributables are also installed. But these may be required by other tools as well. I would not recommend to remove these.

santangelo's profile image santangelo posted 3 years ago Permalink

MS VC++ 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 y 2019 are needed? All the five?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

No, that's just from one installer, which basically installs vcruntime140.dll as far as I know.

santangelo's profile image santangelo posted 3 years ago Permalink

Yes, there is only one. We have updated it and now it is called 2015-2022. See image.

When I tried to install version, an advise risk from windows is shown. It has never happened this with any other earlier version. Find attached image. Do you know why it occurs this?

2 attachment(s):
  • 2022.03.17-MS-VC
  • 2022.03.17-Risk
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

That's the Smartscreen filter, and HeidiSQL does not yet have an Authenticode certificate. I can't change that currently.

santangelo's profile image santangelo posted 3 years ago Permalink

Hi Ansgar, I am very grateful for your support. However it does not till function with the version 6444. Furthermore, the program hangs completely and it must be shutdown by Windows Task Manager.

It is really a pity. If you have further ideas, I will appreciate it. Regards. Daniel

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Please update once again to the latest build, as said above. 6444 has a "hanging" bug which is unrelated here. And then again, probably it's the cause... so definitely update and try again.

santangelo's profile image santangelo posted 3 years ago Permalink

Hi Ansgar, Already installed version 6449.

Failure still present. I admit that it is a very strange failure that a simply query with 12 rows does not function. But at least, try to solve the issue with the permanent hang of the program. I have to stop it with the windows Task Manager.

I have tried to upload a video but I was not allow

Thanks and best regards. Daniel

1 attachment(s):
  • 2022.03.18-Version-6449
santangelo's profile image santangelo posted 3 years ago Permalink

The video is 4 MB. However, upload is not allowed. If you want, I can send you by email

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

No need to send a video which shows that nothing happens.

You could export the table again, to an sql file, using Tools > Export as SQL. Either attach it here or send it to my email on the imprint page.

santangelo's profile image santangelo posted 3 years ago Permalink

Hi, if I try data + structure exporting, the program hangs. Find attached only the structure export.

1 attachment(s):
santangelo's profile image santangelo posted 3 years ago Permalink

I have also sent it by email with *.sql extension

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Hm, without the data in it I cannot reproduce any issue. Can you export the table data using mysqldump?

santangelo's profile image santangelo posted 3 years ago Permalink

Hi Ansgar, find attached two export tables including data: a)with Heidi, limited to 9 rows; b) with Valentina Studio, with 12 rows.

First I add with Heidi 9 rows to the table. HeidiSQL gives no problem either for adding them or for making the export. Then I add 3 rows more with phpmyadmin as it was not possible with Heidi. Then, if I try to export with Heidi, it hangs. Therefore the export was made with Valentina Studio.

So far the rows quantity reaches to 10, Heidi hangs. But only for this table, not for the rest. Hope the failure is clearly explained.

2 attachment(s):
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

I now see you are using the quite old MariaDB server version 10.1.48. I tried to reproduce with my even older MariaDB 10.1.8 server, but I found no issue:


Did we already check the version of libmariadb.dll? Look at the following screenshot where you see version 3.2.5. What's it on your side?


santangelo's profile image santangelo posted 3 years ago Permalink

Find data attached.

1 attachment(s):
  • 2022.03.22-MariaDB-Data
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Ok, that version is also the latest, and it should not be the cause.

Maybe the table is broken. You could once try to repair it with OPTIMIZE TABLE redtipo; This recreates the table internally, and is known to heal some file related issues.

santangelo's profile image santangelo posted 3 years ago Permalink

Dear Ansgar, sorry for my late reply. I was out of the office for a business trip.

I have applied the OPTIMIZE TABLE redTipo; sentence. However, the failure still exists.

If you have further attempts, we are here.

Best regards. Daniel

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Can you post some details of your session settings, at least the non-sensitive ones. For instance from the tabs Advanced + SSL.

santangelo's profile image santangelo posted 3 years ago Permalink

Find them attached

3 attachment(s):
  • 2022.04.08-Settings
  • 2022.04.08-Advanced
  • 2022.04.08-SSL
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Thanks, that looks all very normal so far. I am scratching my head.

Ah, one thing you could try out is to select the rows with a growing limit, to see which row causes the issue:

SELECT * FROM redTipo LIMIT 0,1;
SELECT * FROM redTipo LIMIT 0,2;
SELECT * FROM redTipo LIMIT 0,3;

Just watch out you execute the first only, then the second one and so forth. I guess it hangs at the row which causes the issue.

santangelo's profile image santangelo posted 3 years ago Permalink

Hi Ansgar, while there are less or equal than 10 records, everything functions. We can apply the selects one by one up to SELECT * FROM redTipo LIMIT 0,10;

As soon as we add record 11, nothing functions, even the first SELECT * FROM redTipo LIMIT 0,1;

The HeidiSQL drives properly tables with millions or rows, but it does not manage a simple table with 11 or more rows. It is really very strange and curious. The Application normally hangs.

We have drop and recreate this simple table many times. We have also run an OPTIMIZE TABLE. We have changed the auto increment start number (instead of '1', we have put '100').

However, it always fails. Well, we are also scratching our heads.

santangelo's profile image santangelo posted 3 years ago Permalink

We have delete again all records.

Then, we run these sentences: OPTIMIZE TABLE redTipo; ALTER TABLE redTipo AUTO_INCREMENT=1

Finally, if we tried to insert 15 rows, it lost server connection. We guess that it should be the timeout. Find attached image.

1 attachment(s):
  • 2022.04.11_insert

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