Copy & Paste no longer working with Ubuntu clipboard

ralfmr's profile image ralfmr posted 3 years ago in General Permalink

Since a few days (or weeks?) I cannot copy & paste text from the Ubuntu clipboard to HeidiSQL or vice versa.

In HeidiSQL copy & paste works and in Ubuntu it works too. Only between these both it does not work any longer.

HeidiSQL version: Ubuntu version: 22.04

It seems that this issue appeared since the Ubuntu update or the last HeidiSQL update.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Did you try different places in HeidiSQL? I recommend to try copying a) from an SQL editor and b) from a result grid, and the same for pasting. Probably I can track down the issue to some recent code modification then.

ralfmr's profile image ralfmr posted 3 years ago Permalink

I tried the following places which all do not work:

  1. result grid
  2. SQL editor
  3. Filter box of data view
ralfmr's profile image ralfmr posted 3 years ago Permalink

Just installed the update 6510. With it the clipboard works with Ubuntu again.


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Ok, in that case the shortcut problem was likely caused by what was reported in issue #1600.

Note the current nightly have an interim workaround, which ignore custom keyboard shortcuts. Will fix that in the next days.

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