Hi! I'm sorry if this as been already asked. I've searched and found some similar, but none seems to be exactly my question.
I use HeidiSQL (the portable version) at some time now, but when I connect to a server and instance name (ServerIP\InstanceName), I can't get in. (when in other servers I don't need to define the instance name I don't have this problem)
With the version I get:
SQL Error (18456): Cannot open database "DBaseName" requested by the login. The login failed
Login failed for user 'sa'.
In the drop-down arrow (on the Database name) I see some databases (master, model, msdb...) but not the one I'm looking for.
We could say it's the database configuration, but if I use an older version ( I have no problem at all defining ServerName plus InstanceName. I keep these older version just to access these databases.
Do you have any idea what is happening here? Thanks for the help and HeidiSQL is really a great piece of software. :)