More/Check for updates not working anymore?

archfrog's profile image archfrog posted 2 years ago in General Permalink


For the past week or so, I have had this peculiar problem:

When I manually check for an update in the HeidiSQL app, it shows that a new update is available, downloads it (when I click the appropriate button), and then nothing more happens. The client is NOT updated. The client doesn't even exit like it used to do. I do get the Windows prompt to run the update, but after that nothing happens at all.

I have also tried locating the update file in the %TEMP% directory, but it acts just the same.

I typically check for updates about once a day, but I doubt many do that. I guess that's why the problem hasn't surfaced in the forum just yet.

I am using HeidiSQL for Win64, version

Cheers, Archfrog

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Yes, that's a known issue in the updater binary. Sorry for the mess. I fixed issue #1616 recently, and broke the whole updater process along with that. The updater starts to run but does not show its dialog, and does nothing then. Could be you see some dead "updater.exe" processes in your task manager.

I am still sorting out the issue. Once I got this fixed, I will release a stable version, to force updates through installing the release.

archfrog's profile image archfrog posted 2 years ago Permalink

Thanks, good to know that you're on it :-)

archfrog's profile image archfrog posted 2 years ago Permalink

I just did my daily update of HeidiSQL and got some obscure error about the installer not being able to find "heidisql.exe". This with the version just before The installer did the update but did not relaunch HeidiSQL. Manually starting HeidiSQL worked fine and the executable was updated to the latest version.

Reading the change log, I suppose it can be related to the new reduced privileges.

I didn't think of capturing a screen shot, sorry to say.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Yes, I got the same message, and I think it's only in the newer nightly builds. Please watch out if you get the error again in the next updates.

The one you now have uses reduced privileges to restart HeidiSQL after the update, which should fix a wrong session list due to admin privileges. The error you mentioned is a different thing, which I will also try to fix.

archfrog's profile image archfrog posted 2 years ago Permalink

I just updated and got the error again with revision 6616):

Error: Either target file "C:\Program Files\HeidiSQL\heidisql.exe" or download file
"C:\Users\Mikael\AppData\Local\Temp\heidisql.exe" does not exist.

Perhaps you are missing "..\" before "Temp" in the last path. %APPDATA% points to "Roaming" :-)

HeidiSQL works great and is updated despite the error message.

archfrog's profile image archfrog posted 2 years ago Permalink

Nevermind that about Temp and "..\". The path seems correct in the error message.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

I suppose I could fix this filename issue. Also, I converted the updater to a console application in the latest build. Now all output is readable in the order of appearance.


archfrog's profile image archfrog posted 2 years ago Permalink

Just wanted to let you know that the update process appears to work well once again, thank you :-)

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