Division by zero error on auto refresh database

rann's profile image rann posted 2 years ago in General Permalink

When I select 'Auto-Refresh' option for the database, it is giving me 'floating point division by zero' error, but I am not able to understand where is the error from the status report. Is there any way I can find out where in the database, the error happens (if it is really happening, read below)

I do not get the error, when I refresh the database, just by clicking the refresh icon, or select 'full status refresh'.

Why is the error happening only on 'auto-refresh' (selected database)?


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

You could post a screenshot of the error message, so I can tell you if it's some SQL error or (more likely) an internal exception within HeidiSQL.

rann's profile image rann posted 2 years ago Permalink

SQL code changed since yesterday, and today, the error does not exist. (Yesterday, same error happened over 20 times, till I did stop auto-refresh)

I haven't realized that at every restart after crash, auto-refresh interval was resetting to 5 seconds, and since the server needed more time to create the necessary variables, that may have been the problem.

Since I could not reproduce the error, I am thinking the problem was with the SQL code somehow. (As I was pressing the manual refresh button after the code was processed).

Thanks for your reply.

(And I made a note to save the status report or take a screenshot)

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