Sql result view encoding

newbie_eu's profile image newbie_eu posted 2 years ago in Running SQL scripts Permalink


I selected users from mysql database but reult view show me wrong characters. Please check attacheed screenshot heidisql_wrong_chars.

If I do same work in sqlyog there is not any problem. Is there any choice to get right characters in HeidiSql as well?

Thank you!

2 attachment(s):
  • heidisql_wrong_chars
  • sqlyog_right_chars
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

There are some old MySQL servers reporting a wrong character set when starting a connection. I recommend to try an old library in the session manager (libmysql / libmysql-6.1):


newbie_eu's profile image newbie_eu posted 2 years ago Permalink

There are some old MySQL servers reporting a wrong character set when starting a connection. I recommend to try an old library in the session manager (libmysql / libmysql-6.1):


Perfect! Thank you so much and have a nice day!

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