I have a junction table with relationships set up (innodb/mariadb)
I was trying to manually insert a row to this table and the ID of the corresponding record could not be entered because rather than giving me a "text" input box, its a select/drop type field where it populates valid values from the linked table you can select from.
I'm all for the assistance of giving me options, but it will not let me enter the ID of the user I wanted to add the row for (1 in this case, recently deleted by accident and had to be manually added so it's likely at the the /end/ of the dataset in the users table now, and there are thousands of users in this table).
It seems that the options list in this field is limited by something and does not show ALL options. This wouldn't be an issue if you were able to just enter your own value, even if it's not in the "list" of options.
Recommended fix is to either ensure ALL possible values are included in the dropdown, or allow entry in the field with an out-of-bounds value for the provided "list" of options.
Or just remove the feature all together and let SQL report constraint error if something invalid is entered...