A better suggestion of the columns of the table I'm reading from

Kcko's profile image Kcko posted 2 years ago in General Permalink

Watch the short video.


If I don't specify an alias above the table, the column whispering gets stupid, doesn't offer columns from the table or offers very few. Once I use an alias and it is referenced, it works correctly.

I have a feeling that in some older version it worked without an alias, is there anything that can be done about it?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Yes I can confirm there is no column proposal without a reference to the left of it. But the reference does not need to be an alias, it can also be the full table name, like so:


Kcko's profile image Kcko posted 2 years ago Permalink

Thanks for the confirmation, OK I know about this. There is one more possibility and that is when I do a query over a table and have it selected in the left part at the same time.



ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Oh yes, forgot about that. Well, that's just a gimmick, or better said a fallback if no table was detected. A better solution for the proposal would be to check if the cursor is in a SELECT clause, then offer columns from the table in the FROM clause. But that is expressed too simple I suppose.

Kcko's profile image Kcko posted 2 years ago Permalink

OK, thanks, I can live with that. I'll use 1-2 letter aliases above the tables.

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