Would like to see SQL reformat have option to insert line breaks at commas

kilvroch's profile image kilvroch posted 1 year ago in General Permalink

This has been posted several times over the years... But - when pressing CTRL-F8 to reformat SQL, it concatenates all columns into one long string right now I'm getting :

SELECT so.EntryId AS se_orderId, oo.OrderId AS oe_orderId, so.ExhId AS se_ExhId, oo.ExhId AS oe_ExhId, se.DogId AS se_DogId, oe.DogId AS oe_DogId, se.Id AS se_Id, oe.Id AS oe_Id, oe.DogName, od.DogSex, oe.ClassNo AS oe_ClassNo, sc.ClassName

I would like it to look like

SELECT so.EntryId AS se_orderId, 
oo.OrderId AS oe_orderId, 
so.ExhId AS se_ExhId, 
oo.ExhId AS oe_ExhId, 
se.DogId AS se_DogId,
lotiara's profile image lotiara posted 1 year ago Permalink


I also spend a lot of time doing manually that kind of things.

Heidsql automatic SQL format i not Top Noch.

Somehow tedious, but I often copy to VScode, format there and paste in Heidi.

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