Connection with SSH key loaded from OpenSSH agent

anatol_etc's profile image anatol_etc posted 11 months ago in General Permalink

I store my private keys in the KeepassXC password manager. When I log in, all the keys are sent to the OpenSSH agent on Windows, making them available for my Bitvise SSH Client and VS Code. This ensures the security of the keys and allows me to connect to the server with a single click. Is there a way to connect to HeidiSQL using an SSH key from the OpenSSH agent?

FlyveHest's profile image FlyveHest posted 10 months ago Permalink

I am doing this, you have to have plink.exe in your HeidiSQL folder, and then use this as your SSH executable under the SSH tunnel tab.

plink.exe -agent

Specify username, but not password, and it works.

anatol_etc's profile image anatol_etc posted 10 months ago Permalink

Thank you! I have successfully established a connection using an SSH tunnel. The issue was that I couldn't find a straightforward explanation of this type of connection and was expecting to find all the settings in one place, where I could select the agent, as I do in other applications. Initially, I was able to connect using plink.exe, and then I also succeeded in connecting using ssh.exe. Since I have OpenSSH on Windows 11 and use it with other applications, I prefer to use a single agent for all applications. Therefore, plink.exe is no longer necessary.

FlyveHest's profile image FlyveHest posted 10 months ago Permalink

plink is more or less a wrapper for an SSH tunnel, so in the end its all good.

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