Access Denied

JonJacobs's profile image JonJacobs posted 9 months ago in General Permalink

I just installed MySQL and HeidiSQL on my new Win11 computer. Using the PW I created for the root account, I get Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) Session: Documents Network type TCP/IP library: libmysaql.dll Hostname: User: root Password: <pw I created root account with> Port:3306 Databases: Documents (I will have to create with Create Database once I login) What do I need to do?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 9 months ago Permalink

Looks like you mistyped your password.

JonJacobs's profile image JonJacobs posted 9 months ago Permalink

I wish it were that simple. I tried the process a number of times. Mistyping one or two times could have happened, but not so many. Unless it was mistyping when I installed MySQL, in which case I need a way to change it or learn it. Any thoughts?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 9 months ago Permalink

You can stop the server using net stop mysql command, then restart it by hand in a console, without loading the user privileges:

path\to\mysqld.exe --standalone --skip-grant-tables

When mysqld runs, you can start HeidiSQL to connect with any random username/password. You should immediately change the user's password in the user manager, and then restart the server normally.

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