Dynamic index (index with function) has no description

Kcko's profile image Kcko posted 2 months ago in General Permalink

I've just created a dynamic index with a function and of course it's in the index overview, everything works, but there's no description or info to know what it is, could it be added / modified somehow?

CREATE INDEX ident_priceid22 ON order_item ((RIGHT(ident, 10)));

Screen: https://remotefiles.rjwebdesign.cz/i/20240717-132751.png

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 months ago Permalink

Is that MySQL or MariaDB syntax? I get an SQL error with that on MariaDB 10.3.

Kcko's profile image Kcko posted 2 months ago Permalink

MySQL 8.0.36

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 months ago Permalink

Ok, functional indexes: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.4/en/create-index.html#create-index-functional-key-parts

never heard from it up to now :)

Could you file a ticket for that? I would plan that for the next release then.

Kcko's profile image Kcko posted 2 months ago Permalink

Neither did I, but there was a slow SQL query in my DB and the AI advised me that it was possible, so I tried it and it's functional and fast :-)

We learn something new every day:)

I'll create a ticket, where please?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 months ago Permalink

On Github. Oh, there is already one: issue #1777

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