Default collation

[expired user #4458]'s profile image [expired user #4458] posted 15 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink
When i am creating a new db or table the default charset is set to latin1 and default collation latin1_german_ci, is there a way to set my favorite default charset?
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 15 years ago Permalink
Yes, by editing the my.cnf / my.ini on the server you can set the global default collation, just can't remember the name of that ini section.

If you need that for one database and it's tables only, you can edit the database and specify the collation, which will then be the default for new tables you create afterwards.
[expired user #4458]'s profile image [expired user #4458] posted 15 years ago Permalink
hmm.. i created new database with utf-8 charset, but still for all the new tables the default is utg-8.
It would be very handy option that you could set default charset, that would be independent of mysql configuration, somewhere in application settings, in further releases.
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 15 years ago Permalink
That would make many users wonder.

i created new database with utf-8 charset, but still for all the new tables the default is utg-8.

utg-8 ? I guess you mean utf-8 in which case that would be perfectly what you want, is it?
[expired user #4458]'s profile image [expired user #4458] posted 15 years ago Permalink
oh i am sorry! I meant that i set database charset to utf-8, but default charset for new tables is latin.
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 15 years ago Permalink
Cannot reproduce that here. In a utf8_general_ci collation'ed database I started to create a table which by default had exactly the same collation. Of course using the latest nightly build - which revision are you using?
[expired user #4458]'s profile image [expired user #4458] posted 15 years ago Permalink
Version 4.0, revision 2405
[expired user #4458]'s profile image [expired user #4458] posted 15 years ago Permalink
I updated .exe file to the latest revision and it all works as should.
Thanks for your help and keep up the good work!
kriit24's profile image kriit24 posted 5 years ago Permalink

Hi, I have the same problem. Version

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