Rewritten search + replace dialog, Loglevel settings

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 15 years ago in News Permalink
Two minor news today about nice new stuff in HeidiSQL:

1. Rewritten search + replace dialog. Previously HeidiSQL used a default dialog provided by the Windows API, supporting only a small feature set, and including some nasty focussing bugs. Anyway, the new dialog can be used to find or replace stuff in your query editors and supports Perl compatible regular expressions, as implemented in SynEdit:

Shortcuts: Ctrl+F to find, Ctrl+R to replace, F3 to find/replace repeatedly

2. Customize log messages: In the preferences dialog you will find some new checkboxes, allowing you to decide which type of messages you want to see in your log panel. In fact I added a new tab just for "Logging" as the first page "Miscellaneous" got a bit crowded.
2 attachment(s):
  • searchreplace_dialog
  • loglevel_settings

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