SQL Logging - Log Delete Results Too?

muzza4's profile image muzza4 posted 17 years ago in General Permalink
Hi Anse,

With logging turned on we see in the log

Update Example
[2007-12-21 10:36:25] UPDATE `noticeboard` SET `header`='Test Message',`displayTo`='2006-12-09 12:55:00',`deleted`='Y',`created`='2006-10-10 01:55:18',`created_by`='2' WHERE `Id`=188

Insert Example
[2007-12-21 10:42:57] INSERT INTO `clubsport` (`Id`, `club_id`, `sport_id`, `federation_club_id`) VALUES (1,1,1,0), (2,2,1,0), (3,3,1,0), (4,11,1,0), (5,12,1,0), (7,14,1,0), (17,38,1,0), (22,74,1,0), (40,101,1,0), (41,103,2,0), (42,104,1,0), (67,108,1,0), (68,109,1,0), (69,110,1,0), (94,116,1,0), (96,118,1,0), (99,122,1,0), (149,13,1,0), (150,15,1,0), (151,16,1,0), (152,17,1,0), (153,18,1,0), (154,19,1,0), (155,20,1,0), (156,22,1,0), (157,28,1,0), (158,29,2,0), (159,49,2,0), (160,50,2,0), (167,130,1,0), (172,135,1,0)

Delete Example
[2007-12-21 10:42:53] delete from clubsport

Why does the delete not show what was deleted, the updates and inserts give an excellent log.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 17 years ago Permalink
Oh DELETEs also get into the log as you expect. This DELETE command was surely not executed while you were deleting a row from a grid view, probably you executed it by query or by rightclicking a table and then clicking "Empty..."

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