SSL support added, and more

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 15 years ago in News Permalink
If you update to the latest build now, you will find a bunch of new SSL fields, used to select certificates and keys needed to connect to a SSL featured MySQL server. Thanks to SuperNiFF for posting most relevant code.

Second thing is, you can specifiy a startup script now. This is a simple way to execute one or more customized queries automatically when you connect to a server. Just select a SQL file here and HeidiSQL runs that as soon you have a connection established.
1 attachment(s):
  • sslfeature
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 15 years ago Permalink
We just noticed that the libmysql.dll shipped with the 4.0 and 5.0 beta releases does not work as expected with the above mentioned SSL keys. So, if you run into some access violation in such cases, you will need a fresh one, can by copied from a MySQL/Win32 server installation, located in the "bin" directory.

However, I will release a second Beta as soon as possible so you can forget my above notice soon.

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