HeidiSQL frequently crashes

[expired user #7063]'s profile image [expired user #7063] posted 12 years ago in General Permalink
I'm using HeidiSQL 8, but had the same problem with v7. It frequently crashes, sometimes a few times a day. I'm just running queries on going through tables when it happens. Sometimes the Continue-button in the crashscreen works and I can continue, other times I have to close the application and restart it.
This morning I connected to two servers, looked at the processes tab and it crashed with the error "exception message : Access violation at address 007FB1B2 in module 'heidisql.exe'. Read of address 00000000."

Anyone else having this problem or know a solution? I'm using on Windows 7 x64.
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 12 years ago Permalink
That exception message is too unspecific. You need to post the callstack here, which you can save to a txt file in that crash dialog. The very top line of the callstack normally tells me what's wrong, and I can probably fix that then.
[expired user #7063]'s profile image [expired user #7063] posted 12 years ago Permalink
The first:
date/time         : 2013-07-05, 08:24:59, 497ms
computer name     : x
user name         : x <admin>
registered owner  : Microsoft / Microsoft
operating system  : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601
system language   : Dutch
system up time    : 3 minutes 8 seconds
program up time   : 25 seconds
processors        : 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2120 CPU @ 3.30GHz
physical memory   : 6432/8077 MB (free/total)
free disk space   : (C:) 186,72 GB
display mode      : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id        : $9c4
allocated memory  : 63,79 MB
executable        : heidisql.exe
exec. date/time   : 2013-05-19 07:03
version           :
compiled with     : Delphi XE
madExcept version : 3.0m beta 1
callstack crc     : $ac1e82a7, $352eac87, $352eac87
exception number  : 1
exception class   : EAccessViolation
exception message : Access violation at address 007FB1B2 in module 'heidisql.exe'. Read of address 00000000.
main thread ($120c):
007fb1b2 heidisql.exe Main         6945 +74 TMainForm.HostListGetText
00636990 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TCustomVirtualStringTree.DoGetText
00635b88 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TCustomVirtualStringTree.GetText
006810d7 heidisql.exe helpers      1682  +7 GetVTSelection
007fff00 heidisql.exe Main         8582 +18 TMainForm.HostListBeforePaint
00621cdf heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.DoBeforePaint
00630ab9 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.PaintTree
004e919c heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.WndProc
00628803 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.Paint
004f34bf heidisql.exe Controls              TCustomControl.PaintWindow
004edc19 heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.PaintHandler
004ee3f8 heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.WMPaint
004f3459 heidisql.exe Controls              TCustomControl.WMPaint
0061f425 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.WMPaint
004e919c heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.WndProc
004e9ac2 heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.WMMouseMove
004e919c heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.WndProc
004eda60 heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.WndProc
0062b554 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.WndProc
004ed100 heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.MainWndProc
004ab958 heidisql.exe Classes               StdWndProc
77a40107 ntdll.dll                          KiUserCallbackDispatcher
770233a8 kernel32.dll                       BaseThreadInitThunk

And a few minutes later:

date/time         : 2013-07-05, 08:45:24, 766ms
computer name     : x
user name         : x <admin>
registered owner  : Microsoft / Microsoft
operating system  : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601
system language   : Dutch
system up time    : 23 minutes 34 seconds
program up time   : 6 minutes 58 seconds
processors        : 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2120 CPU @ 3.30GHz
physical memory   : 6346/8077 MB (free/total)
free disk space   : (C:) 186,72 GB
display mode      : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id        : $1464
allocated memory  : 65,33 MB
executable        : heidisql.exe
exec. date/time   : 2013-05-19 07:03
version           :
compiled with     : Delphi XE
madExcept version : 3.0m beta 1
callstack crc     : $b6bbaf22, $5d69f027, $5d69f027
exception number  : 1
exception class   : EAccessViolation
exception message : Access violation at address 00405CF0 in module 'heidisql.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFD5.
main thread ($aec):
00405cf0 heidisql.exe System        549  +0 @AsClass
0080450e heidisql.exe Main         9905 +23 TMainForm.SetupSynEditors
00801dd6 heidisql.exe Main         9029 +15 TMainForm.PlaceObjectEditor
007fc25f heidisql.exe Main         7273 +67 TMainForm.DBtreeFocusChanged
00622aae heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.DoFocusChange
00626e4a heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.HandleMouseDown
004e97f4 heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.DoMouseDown
0061ee4c heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.WMLButtonDown
0062b4ef heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.WndProc
004ed100 heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.MainWndProc
004ab958 heidisql.exe Classes               StdWndProc
76987885 USER32.dll                         DispatchMessageW
00575ffb heidisql.exe Forms                 TApplication.ProcessMessage
0057603e heidisql.exe Forms                 TApplication.HandleMessage
00576369 heidisql.exe Forms                 TApplication.Run
00819be2 heidisql.exe heidisql       74 +22 initialization
770233a8 kernel32.dll                       BaseThreadInitThunk

But except for that it's a great app smile
[expired user #7063]'s profile image [expired user #7063] posted 12 years ago Permalink
Some more unhappy
date/time         : 2013-07-10, 13:37:20, 772ms
computer name     : x
user name         : x <admin>
registered owner  : Microsoft / Microsoft
operating system  : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601
system language   : Dutch
system up time    : 5 hours 17 minutes
program up time   : 3 hours 11 minutes
processors        : 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2120 CPU @ 3.30GHz
physical memory   : 5583/8077 MB (free/total)
free disk space   : (C:) 186,66 GB
display mode      : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id        : $17d8
allocated memory  : 132,92 MB
executable        : heidisql.exe
exec. date/time   : 2013-05-19 07:03
version           :
compiled with     : Delphi XE
madExcept version : 3.0m beta 1
callstack crc     : $9747de39, $433a525e, $433a525e
exception number  : 1
exception class   : EListError
exception message : List index out of bounds (0).
main thread ($1484):
0049cde1 heidisql.exe Classes               TList.Get
0049ea6f heidisql.exe Classes               TCollection.GetItem
00611832 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TVirtualTreeColumns.GetItem
007fd897 heidisql.exe Main         7821 +36 TMainForm.DataGridHeaderClick
0062318e heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.DoHeaderClick
00612035 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TVirtualTreeColumns.HandleClick
006158cf heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TVTHeader.HandleMessage
0062b493 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.WndProc
004ed100 heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.MainWndProc
004ab958 heidisql.exe Classes               StdWndProc
76b37885 USER32.dll                         DispatchMessageW
00575ffb heidisql.exe Forms                 TApplication.ProcessMessage
0057603e heidisql.exe Forms                 TApplication.HandleMessage
00576369 heidisql.exe Forms                 TApplication.Run
00819be2 heidisql.exe heidisql       74 +22 initialization
758333a8 kernel32.dll                       BaseThreadInitThunk

date/time         : 2013-07-09, 15:03:46, 311ms
computer name     : x
user name         : x <admin>
registered owner  : Microsoft / Microsoft
operating system  : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601
system language   : Dutch
system up time    : 6 hours 53 minutes
program up time   : 34 minutes 59 seconds
processors        : 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2120 CPU @ 3.30GHz
physical memory   : 5747/8077 MB (free/total)
free disk space   : (C:) 186,69 GB
display mode      : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id        : $1628
allocated memory  : 65,82 MB
executable        : heidisql.exe
exec. date/time   : 2013-05-19 07:03
version           :
compiled with     : Delphi XE
madExcept version : 3.0m beta 1
callstack crc     : $ac1e82a7, $b2483749, $b2483749
exception number  : 1
exception class   : EAccessViolation
exception message : Access violation at address 007FB1B2 in module 'heidisql.exe'. Read of address 00000000.
main thread ($6ec):
007fb1b2 heidisql.exe Main         6945 +74 TMainForm.HostListGetText
00636990 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TCustomVirtualStringTree.DoGetText
00635b88 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TCustomVirtualStringTree.GetText
006810d7 heidisql.exe helpers      1682  +7 GetVTSelection
007fff00 heidisql.exe Main         8582 +18 TMainForm.HostListBeforePaint
00621cdf heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.DoBeforePaint
00630ab9 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.PaintTree
004e919c heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.WndProc
00628803 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.Paint
004f34bf heidisql.exe Controls              TCustomControl.PaintWindow
004edc19 heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.PaintHandler
004ee3f8 heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.WMPaint
004f3459 heidisql.exe Controls              TCustomControl.WMPaint
0061f425 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.WMPaint
004e919c heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.WndProc
004e9ac2 heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.WMMouseMove
004e919c heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.WndProc
004eda60 heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.WndProc
0062b554 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.WndProc
004ed100 heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.MainWndProc
004ab958 heidisql.exe Classes               StdWndProc
77c80107 ntdll.dll                          KiUserCallbackDispatcher
00623e4b heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.DoStartOperation
0062055d heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.StartOperation
006339a5 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.SortTree
0062d131 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.EndUpdate
0062c3c9 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.Clear
0078a991 heidisql.exe connections   236  +3 Tconnform.RefreshSessions
0078a7c8 heidisql.exe connections   201 +24 Tconnform.FormCreate
00406081 heidisql.exe System        549  +0 @AfterConstruction
0056ba3d heidisql.exe Forms                 TCustomForm.Create
007e65e7 heidisql.exe Main         1786 +10 TMainForm.actDisconnectExecute
004ab2b3 heidisql.exe Classes               TBasicAction.Execute
004d7989 heidisql.exe ActnList              TContainedAction.Execute
004d8744 heidisql.exe ActnList              TCustomAction.Execute
004ab177 heidisql.exe Classes               TBasicActionLink.Execute
004e96f0 heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.Click
0054a810 heidisql.exe ComCtrls              TToolButton.Click
004e9bad heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.WMLButtonUp
004e919c heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.WndProc
004e8dc0 heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.Perform
004ed1f8 heidisql.exe Controls              GetControlAtPos
004ed2c2 heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.ControlAtPos
004e8dc0 heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.Perform
004ed38c heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg
004ed8dc heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.WndProc
0054f260 heidisql.exe ComCtrls              TToolBar.WndProc
004ed100 heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.MainWndProc
004ab958 heidisql.exe Classes               StdWndProc
75de7885 USER32.dll                         DispatchMessageW
00575ffb heidisql.exe Forms                 TApplication.ProcessMessage
0057603e heidisql.exe Forms                 TApplication.HandleMessage
00576369 heidisql.exe Forms                 TApplication.Run
00819be2 heidisql.exe heidisql       74 +22 initialization
762f33a8 kernel32.dll                       BaseThreadInitThunk

date/time         : 2013-07-10, 08:36:49, 382ms
computer name     : x
user name         : x <admin>
registered owner  : Microsoft / Microsoft
operating system  : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601
system language   : Dutch
system up time    : 16 minutes 58 seconds
program up time   : 12 minutes 39 seconds
processors        : 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2120 CPU @ 3.30GHz
physical memory   : 5932/8077 MB (free/total)
free disk space   : (C:) 186,69 GB
display mode      : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id        : $c64
allocated memory  : 63,05 MB
executable        : heidisql.exe
exec. date/time   : 2013-05-19 07:03
version           :
compiled with     : Delphi XE
madExcept version : 3.0m beta 1
callstack crc     : $ac1e82a7, $b2483749, $b2483749
exception number  : 1
exception class   : EAccessViolation
exception message : Access violation at address 007FB1B2 in module 'heidisql.exe'. Read of address 00000000.
main thread ($10d4):
007fb1b2 heidisql.exe Main         6945 +74 TMainForm.HostListGetText
00636990 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TCustomVirtualStringTree.DoGetText
00635b88 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TCustomVirtualStringTree.GetText
006810d7 heidisql.exe helpers      1682  +7 GetVTSelection
007fff00 heidisql.exe Main         8582 +18 TMainForm.HostListBeforePaint
00621cdf heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.DoBeforePaint
00630ab9 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.PaintTree
004e919c heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.WndProc
00628803 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.Paint
004f34bf heidisql.exe Controls              TCustomControl.PaintWindow
004edc19 heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.PaintHandler
004ee3f8 heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.WMPaint
004f3459 heidisql.exe Controls              TCustomControl.WMPaint
0061f425 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.WMPaint
004e919c heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.WndProc
004e9ac2 heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.WMMouseMove
004e919c heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.WndProc
004eda60 heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.WndProc
0062b554 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.WndProc
004ed100 heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.MainWndProc
004ab958 heidisql.exe Classes               StdWndProc
77ac0107 ntdll.dll                          KiUserCallbackDispatcher
00623e4b heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.DoStartOperation
0062055d heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.StartOperation
006339a5 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.SortTree
0062d131 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.EndUpdate
0062c3c9 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.Clear
0078a991 heidisql.exe connections   236  +3 Tconnform.RefreshSessions
0078a7c8 heidisql.exe connections   201 +24 Tconnform.FormCreate
00406081 heidisql.exe System        549  +0 @AfterConstruction
0056ba3d heidisql.exe Forms                 TCustomForm.Create
007e65e7 heidisql.exe Main         1786 +10 TMainForm.actDisconnectExecute
004ab2b3 heidisql.exe Classes               TBasicAction.Execute
004d7989 heidisql.exe ActnList              TContainedAction.Execute
004d8744 heidisql.exe ActnList              TCustomAction.Execute
004ab177 heidisql.exe Classes               TBasicActionLink.Execute
004e96f0 heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.Click
0054a810 heidisql.exe ComCtrls              TToolButton.Click
004e9bad heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.WMLButtonUp
004e919c heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.WndProc
004e8dc0 heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.Perform
004ed1f8 heidisql.exe Controls              GetControlAtPos
004ed2c2 heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.ControlAtPos
004e8dc0 heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.Perform
004ed38c heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg
004ed8dc heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.WndProc
0054f260 heidisql.exe ComCtrls              TToolBar.WndProc
004ed100 heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.MainWndProc
004ab958 heidisql.exe Classes               StdWndProc
76b37885 USER32.dll                         DispatchMessageW
00575ffb heidisql.exe Forms                 TApplication.ProcessMessage
0057603e heidisql.exe Forms                 TApplication.HandleMessage
00576369 heidisql.exe Forms                 TApplication.Run
00819be2 heidisql.exe heidisql       74 +22 initialization
758333a8 kernel32.dll                       BaseThreadInitThunk

date/time         : 2013-07-10, 08:52:28, 533ms
computer name     : x
user name         : x <admin>
registered owner  : Microsoft / Microsoft
operating system  : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601
system language   : Dutch
system up time    : 32 minutes 37 seconds
program up time   : 15 minutes 11 seconds
processors        : 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2120 CPU @ 3.30GHz
physical memory   : 6175/8077 MB (free/total)
free disk space   : (C:) 186,69 GB
display mode      : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id        : $1410
allocated memory  : 62,92 MB
executable        : heidisql.exe
exec. date/time   : 2013-05-19 07:03
version           :
compiled with     : Delphi XE
madExcept version : 3.0m beta 1
callstack crc     : $ac1e82a7, $352eac87, $352eac87
exception number  : 1
exception class   : EAccessViolation
exception message : Access violation at address 007FB1B2 in module 'heidisql.exe'. Read of address 00000000.
main thread ($142c):
007fb1b2 heidisql.exe Main         6945 +74 TMainForm.HostListGetText
00636990 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TCustomVirtualStringTree.DoGetText
00635b88 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TCustomVirtualStringTree.GetText
006810d7 heidisql.exe helpers      1682  +7 GetVTSelection
007fff00 heidisql.exe Main         8582 +18 TMainForm.HostListBeforePaint
00621cdf heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.DoBeforePaint
00630ab9 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.PaintTree
004e919c heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.WndProc
00628803 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.Paint
004f34bf heidisql.exe Controls              TCustomControl.PaintWindow
004edc19 heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.PaintHandler
004ee3f8 heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.WMPaint
004f3459 heidisql.exe Controls              TCustomControl.WMPaint
0061f425 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.WMPaint
004e919c heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.WndProc
004e9ac2 heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.WMMouseMove
004e919c heidisql.exe Controls              TControl.WndProc
004eda60 heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.WndProc
0062b554 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees          TBaseVirtualTree.WndProc
004ed100 heidisql.exe Controls              TWinControl.MainWndProc
004ab958 heidisql.exe Classes               StdWndProc
77ac0107 ntdll.dll                          KiUserCallbackDispatcher
758333a8 kernel32.dll                       BaseThreadInitThunk
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 12 years ago Permalink
Most of the above crashes happen in the same code path, when getting field text from IS.processlist.

Probably you have some non-standard MySQL version running? I know that MariaDB (or was it Percona?) for example introduced some new columns in the PROCESSLIST table. You could be so nice and post the result of this query here:

show create table `information_schema`.`PROCESSLIST`
[expired user #7063]'s profile image [expired user #7063] posted 12 years ago Permalink
Afaik is the normal MySQL 5.5.29:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<resultset statement="show create table `information_schema`.`PROCESSLIST`
" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<field name="Table">PROCESSLIST</field>
`ID` bigint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`USER` varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`HOST` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`DB` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
`COMMAND` varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`STATE` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
`INFO` longtext
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 12 years ago Permalink
Ok, I'll see if I can reproduce that with a local 5.5.29 server.
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 12 years ago Permalink
I just downloaded and ran a win32/MySQL 5.5.29 server, but still I see no crash - neither in the processlist nor when I run queries. Probably I would need to see that on a production server as you did. Don't know.

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