Ignore errors on csv import

BubikolRamios's profile image BubikolRamios posted 9 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink
  1. Have a trigger on insert set new.id_tezaver = ( select id_tezaver from tezaver t where t.term = new.term_original and t.l2 = 'la' );

  2. Fails due to id_tezaver is not found i.e. is null and null is not allowed in target table

  3. Should log out missed insert & continue with next insert instead of break executing inserts as it does now.

Additional option & functionality on csv import options should be added. Optionaly, option to not generate cumulativ sql like "Insert into table (a,b) values (1,2), (2,3),..." But instead each insert separately would be a temp. solution, it would show on which data it fails.

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