Forum spam

kalvaro's profile image kalvaro posted 9 years ago in General Permalink

Anse, I think you'll have implement moderation in your homebrew forum software sooner or later, at least for newly created accounts. I follow the forum via RSS and it's not nice to see all that junk coming.

igitur's profile image igitur posted 9 years ago Permalink

Maybe implement Google's CAPTCHA test? I'm referring to that "I'm not a robot" checkbox component that they provide.

At least it's flattering that some hacker wrote some code targeting your own forum's forms.

kalvaro's profile image kalvaro posted 9 years ago Permalink

Are you sure it's a script? In my own contact forms I get lots of good old hand-crafted spam from guys who're terribly worried about my SEO performance.

igitur's profile image igitur posted 9 years ago Permalink

The spam on this forum looks like autogenerated text.

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