What does Network time mean?

abruck's profile image abruck posted 5 years ago in General Permalink

Duration for 1 query: 00:01:36.2 (+ 58.687 sec. network)

How is the 58 seconds different from the 1:38

Also, is this faster that the above: query: 00:01:46.2 (+ 7.344 sec. network)

or this: query: 00:02:34.3 (Why does this have no network time?)

This is the first Query: SELECT (select MuniName from MuniCodes where FullFIPS = d.FIPS) AS County, d.APN, d.Recording_Date, d.Sale_Price, d.Sale_Price_Code, d.1Buyer_ID_Code, d.2Buyer_ID_Code, d.Buyer_Vesting_Code, CONCAT(d.1BuyerLast_or_CorpName, ' ', d.1BuyerFirst_MiddleName, ' & ', d.2BuyerLast_or_CorpName, ' ', d.2BuyerFirst_MiddleName) AS Buyers, CONCAT(d.1SellerLast_or_CorpName, ' ', d.1SellerFirst_MiddleName, ' & ', d.2SellerLast_or_CorpName, ' ', d.2SellerFirst_MiddleName) AS Sellers, d.1Seller_ID_Code, d.2Seller_ID_Code, d.autonumber, 2 as AlertSearchesID, d.FIPSAPNCombo, FIPS, (select 'Green' from deed_matches as m2 WHERE m2.AlertSearchesID = 2 AND m2.deed_autonumber = d.autonumber LIMIT 1) AS green FROM deed AS d WHERE d.FIPSAPNCombo IN ( SELECT distinct m.FIPSAPNCombo FROM deed_matches AS m WHERE m.AlertSearchesID = 2 AND m.FIPS = '06003' );

This is the second query: SELECT (select MuniName from MuniCodes where FullFIPS = d.FIPS) AS County, d.APN, d.Recording_Date, d.Sale_Price, d.Sale_Price_Code, d.1Buyer_ID_Code, d.2Buyer_ID_Code, d.Buyer_Vesting_Code, CONCAT(d.1BuyerLast_or_CorpName, ' ', d.1BuyerFirst_MiddleName, ' & ', d.2BuyerLast_or_CorpName, ' ', d.2BuyerFirst_MiddleName) AS Buyers, CONCAT(d.1SellerLast_or_CorpName, ' ', d.1SellerFirst_MiddleName, ' & ', d.2SellerLast_or_CorpName, ' ', d.2SellerFirst_MiddleName) AS Sellers, d.1Seller_ID_Code, d.2Seller_ID_Code, d.autonumber, 2 as AlertSearchesID, d.FIPSAPNCombo, d.FIPS, (select 'Green' from deed_matches as m2 WHERE m2.AlertSearchesID = 2 AND m2.deed_autonumber = d.autonumber LIMIT 1) AS green FROM deed AS d JOIN deed_matches AS m ON d.FIPSAPNCombo = m.FIPSAPNCombo WHERE m.AlertSearchesID = 2 AND m.FIPS = '06003' ;

abruck's profile image abruck posted 5 years ago Permalink

The only difference in the 00:02:34.3 query is this: ORDER BY d.FIPSAPNCombo, d.Recording_Date;

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink

That "network time" in HeidiSQL is counted as the time between the end of mysql_real_query() and the end of mysql_store_result().

abruck's profile image abruck posted 5 years ago Permalink

And when no network time is displayed?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink

Then it's just 0 seconds.

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