add button FK

Kcko's profile image Kcko posted 3 years ago in General Permalink

Hi Ansgar,

It would be possible to add a button "work name = FK relation" If is FK set on another table? It should work so that if I click on any table record on the column with FK, it forward me to that table with this specific record.

For example

id | name | ...
1 | Milk
2 | Bread

id | name | product_id (FK to
10 | Milkman | 1 (button -> click -> i will be forwarded to table Product with preselected row with ID 1)

I see this behavior in some MacOSX DB manager (Sequel Pro or Table Plus or or some such).

Make a sense? ;-)

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

That was requested in the tracker, see issue #156

Kcko's profile image Kcko posted 3 years ago Permalink

Thx i will watch it

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