Incomplete display of store procedure

wxd0323's profile image wxd0323 posted 3 years ago in Running SQL scripts Permalink


When connecting to SQL server, the stored procedure cannot be displayed completely. We look forward to solving it. Thank you very much

LAIS's profile image LAIS posted 2 years ago Permalink

I have the same issue and it caused a problem when I tried to run a stored procedure which entered wrong data into a table. fortunately i had backup database and was able to restore from it.

HeidiSQL searches the first ")" in the DDL and thinks everything before it are parameters, which of course is completely wrong.

Wish for a speedy fix!

LAIS's profile image LAIS posted 3 months ago Permalink

I am using the latest version The issue is still present. This seems to be related to bug #667 which has been there for a number of years. This made the software not much useful to MSSQL users.

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