No rows imported error

cat210803's profile image cat210803 posted 3 years ago in Import/Export Permalink

I'm trying to import a simple csv file into an empty table. I haven't done this before.

No rows were imported. This can have several causes: -File is empty -Wrong file encoding was selected or detected -Field and/or line terminator do not fit to the file contents

I've attached screenshots of both my import settings and my file; can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? (I did see another topic on this, but it's quite old

2 attachment(s):
  • Capture
  • Capture2
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

I see the file has commas as field separators, not semicolon as you specified in the dialog. Also, there is no encloser character, so you should make it empty in the dialog. Last bit is to check the line break style in the file. Your Notepad does not show the style, so you should check that with Notepad++.

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