File Import Setting

sam_benne's profile image sam_benne posted 3 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink

Currently when doing a import the default value for the encoding is Auto Detect, this always seems to fail and leaves a lot of broken symbols in the content. However, changing this to UTF-8 means the import works.

What would be nice in the preferences is somewhere that you can set the default value of this. It then means that we can set this across servers and not have someone forget and then cause problems later down the line.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

The current release already warns when you are about to use the auto-detection:


Also, HeidiSQL remembers the last used encoding when you load another file.

lotiara's profile image lotiara posted 2 years ago Permalink

Hi when I use "client parse file contents" I cannot specify UTF-8 and omly does a partial import(strange results. If I set "server parse" I can specify UTF-8 and then works correctly. Why cant I specify encoding with Client parses file option ? Thanks

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

The "Client" method does not need an additional encoding selector, because you already selected the encoding in the file-open dialog. The "client" method uses the connection's charset for the generated INSERT commands.


The dropdown is for the "server" method only, to support the charset clause in the generated LOAD DATA command.

lotiara's profile image lotiara posted 2 years ago Permalink

Hi, Hadn't noticed that. Thank you

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