Under Windows Vista, is it necessary to run the program as administrator?
I've installed version 3.2 it but I'm getting lots of weird errors: connection dialog has not default values, it doesn't remember saved connections or window size, I get an error message when I change the editor font in preferences (Failed to set data for 'AutoReconnect'), table comments look mangled ("[color=darkred:ab1cf73762][i:ab1cf73762]Libreta de direcciones: relaci
Windows Vista
As usual, I never find the answer myself until I ask in a forum.
The problem was that the registry key
As why it happened, I'm not 100% sure. Maybe the first run (when the key is created) was from the installer (which was an elevated process) and that messed it all :-?
The problem was that the registry key
was created with incorrect permissions. Instead of my account, there was an "unknown account" entry. Since the key is not removed on uninstall, reinstalling didn't fix it. I removed it from regedit and it was later created with correct permissions.As why it happened, I'm not 100% sure. Maybe the first run (when the key is created) was from the installer (which was an elevated process) and that messed it all :-?
Under Windows Vista, is it necessary to run the program as administrator?
Should not be the case. You would be the first to notice that since the release of Vista.
[quote:e8aff4c7fb="kalvaro"]table comments look mangled ("[color=darkred:e8aff4c7fb][i:e8aff4c7fb]Libreta de direcciones: relaci
"Helios" ? That's not a registry key from HeidiSQL. HeidiSQL uses
But I guess that was a typo.
Oops, yeah, it's a typo. I opened regedit to copy the key name to clipboard and chose the item below :oops:
I can almost confirm that the issue happens when the first time you run HeidiSQL you do it as administrator. For whatever reason, the key is created with weird permissions ("Cuenta desconocida" means "Unknown account"):
The installer runs as admin and it offers to start the program: that's how it happens.
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