Crash report

kalvaro's profile image kalvaro posted 14 years ago in Running SQL scripts Permalink
Hit "run" and:

date/time         : 2011-06-23, 09:13:09, 495ms
operating system  : Windows XP Service Pack 3 build 2600
system language   : Spanish
system up time    : 21 hours 21 minutes
program up time   : 15 hours 3 minutes
processors        : 2x Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz
physical memory   : 164/991 MB (free/total)
free disk space   : (C:) 4,85 GB (E:) 10,82 GB
display mode      : 1280x1024, 32 bit
process id        : $e30
allocated memory  : 20,50 MB
executable        : heidisql.exe
exec. date/time   : 2011-06-22 09:19
version           :
compiled with     : Delphi XE
madExcept version : 3.0m beta 1
callstack crc     : $3168a70e, $1538b0d8, $1538b0d8
exception number  : 1
exception class   : EZeroDivide
exception message : Floating point division by zero.
main thread ($3d0):
005f31b8 heidisql.exe SynEdit  2837  +7 TCustomSynEdit.ExpandAtWideGlyphs
005f45f8 heidisql.exe SynEdit  3433 +16 PaintLines
005f4ff0 heidisql.exe SynEdit  3687 +53 TCustomSynEdit.PaintTextLines
005f253c heidisql.exe SynEdit  2558 +60 TCustomSynEdit.Paint
004f328b heidisql.exe Controls          TCustomControl.PaintWindow
004ed9e5 heidisql.exe Controls          TWinControl.PaintHandler
004ee1c4 heidisql.exe Controls          TWinControl.WMPaint
004f3225 heidisql.exe Controls          TCustomControl.WMPaint
004e8f68 heidisql.exe Controls          TControl.WndProc
004ed82c heidisql.exe Controls          TWinControl.WndProc
005faaa0 heidisql.exe SynEdit  6197 +22 TCustomSynEdit.WndProc
004ececc heidisql.exe Controls          TWinControl.MainWndProc
004ab73c heidisql.exe Classes           StdWndProc
7c91e470 ntdll.dll                      KiUserCallbackDispatcher
7e398a0b USER32.dll                     DispatchMessageW
00587a87 heidisql.exe Forms             TApplication.ProcessMessage
00587aca heidisql.exe Forms             TApplication.HandleMessage
00587df5 heidisql.exe Forms             TApplication.Run
008008c3 heidisql.exe heidisql   66 +16 initialization
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 14 years ago Permalink
That's issue #2410. Quite a few crashes in SynEdit, all due to query threads in conjunction with non-threadsafe visual components.
kalvaro's profile image kalvaro posted 14 years ago Permalink
Bugs due to third-party components? That's going to be fun...

I'm not reporting every crash I get with snapshots but the average figure is like a dozen per day unhappy
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 14 years ago Permalink
Well it's all one and the same problem: Query thread logs something to the sql log, which is a non-threadsafe TSynMemo and crashes. I thought I had everything synced with the main thread but obviously there is some code left which accesses the sql log from within the query thread, directly. Have to find it.

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