gui view of queries

[expired user #12733]'s profile image [expired user #12733] posted 6 years ago in General Permalink

Hi, does HEidiSQL has a block view of queries like SQL or the old ACCESS? I'm attaching and example of what I mean. This kind of view use to be easy for non accustomed sql queries readers :-) Easy to show to someone else also. Thanks !

1 attachment(s):
  • example_block_view
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 6 years ago Permalink

No, this is not a feature in HeidiSQL. There was a similar idea from Francisco several years ago, but this was never implemented. Maybe this is just a bit to complex to implement for Heidi. Not sure, if there is some OpenSource Delphi component which can do that.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 6 years ago Permalink

There is a commercial active Query Builder :

But that component wants its own connection to the server, which is not suitable for HeidiSQL. HeidiSQL would rather need an additional visual window, using the already established server connection.

dageci's profile image dageci posted 4 years ago Permalink

Hello Ansgar, great product. Are there maybe some news about the Active Query Builder and the problem "established server connection"? I think that it now supports the custom connection to be passed? It would be a great feature to be able to create views with visual query builder. Thanks, Davor

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

Sorry, nothing new wrt some interactive query builder. I think it's unlikely this will ever happen. The idea is very old, and people asked for it from time to time. But I think the effort to create something like that is just too high for a free application.

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