New feature: Launch command line window
Although HeidiSQL is a pure GUI, there are situations in which you benefit from a text based window, without the myriad of GUI controls Heidi offers.
To get this feature, you just need to update to the latest build (Help > Check for updates).
See also issue #2728 for more details. Thanks to jsdeter for the idea!
Support Wine/Linux binary of mysql.exe in "Launch command line" feature. See issue #2728 and
Message in log window:
/* Launching command line: Z:\usr\bin\mysql --host="" --port=40281 --user="test" --password="********" --compress --database="test" */
Maybe Wine/linux launches apps differently?
They say:
To launch documents from inside Windows apps, create a small shell script called e.g. /usr/bin/run_prog containing
$1 "`wine winepath -u "$2"`"
If we don't want to create a shell script first, how should the command line look like using winepath? And, do all Wine users have winepath also or is that installed separately?
* disables the "browse for folder" dialog, so the user does not get a Windows-style path, instead he gets forced to write the path syntax by hand
* adds the right directory separator depending on Windows/Wine
There is a chance that the ShellExecute method does not succeed for some reason, but you could test again now, using /usr/bin as setting. Should not matter if you add or remove a trailing slash.
Just an idea: it'd be perfect if it could find mysql.exe automatically. Microsoft has documented how to find an application [1]. The version of MySQL that's currently installed in my computer does not follow the recommended method but at least has modified the system's PATH.
$TERM -e /usr/bin/mysql --host="" --port=40281 --user="test" --password="********" --compress --database="test"
Alternative is not to specify /usr/bin at all, and it'll use the default one in the system (using PATH).
$TERM should always be specified & I assume that -e will always be the flag to use to run the command.
Hopefully that helps.
The above-mentioned situation ($TERM points nowhere) is a rare, negligible special case when running X.
Try to fix command line for Wine users by launching "$TERM -e path/to/mysql", see
Hello, it doesn't work here. I put /usr/bin/mysql as path to mysql, so when I try to start MySQL in a console I get the following message (in the bottom log panel) : / Lancement de la ligne de commande : $TERM -e /usr/bin/mysql --host="" --port=3306 --user="root" --database="AgPrep" / and nothing more happens. It seems, with recent versions of Wine, Unix programs should be launched by means of start.exe, e.g. : start /unix /usr/bin/konsole launches a KDE console from the Wine terminal.
Hi guys, I am a bit new to this. I just installed MYSQL Installer at but checking the download folder on Windows 10, I get this:
I do not see any mysql.exe here or when searched on Windows Search function.
Do I have to install some other MySQL software?
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