HeidiSQL & Linux

ArVie's profile image ArVie posted 5 years ago in General Permalink

Probably is this a question, asked many times before but...

Is there a possibility that HeidiSQL will be available for Linux (Mint/Ubuntu)? I am a great fan of HeidiSQL, and one of the best SQL editors. I know it runs in Wine, but it has some issues.



ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink

Indeed, that was asked several times in the past. I am probably not going to do that. Although I experimented with Lazarus/FreePascal which has cross platform support. The results were disappointing.

ArVie's profile image ArVie posted 5 years ago Permalink

No problem. Thanks anyway. It was worth to ask.

The main problem with HeidiSQL in Wine is that a "backspace" results in Tab switching, not in deleting characters. But for the rest, it works fine.

Miguel Angel Torres's profile image Miguel Angel Torres posted 4 years ago Permalink

The only stable version I can execute is 9.5 portable 32 bits (actually on a KDE Neon 5.20 with Wine 5.5) and with "backspace" problem included. All later versions, 32 or 64 bits, don't work or crashed after a minute of use.

It's a pity! I've used HeidiSQL (and MySQLFront!!) for years (in Windows environment) and still using in Linux, despite the problems.

ArVie's profile image ArVie posted 4 years ago Permalink

I use version 11.1 (32 bit) in Linux Mint 20.

I use CrossOver to run HeidiSQL. Except for the "backspace" issue, it works absolutely fine.

vlad88sv's profile image vlad88sv posted 4 years ago Permalink

Can bugs for HeidiSQL on Linux via Wine be submitted?

I think it's a cool tool and sysadmins tend to use Linux for several reasons.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

Yes of course. I even created a label for Wine issues, as these tend to be very specific to Wine itself: https://github.com/HeidiSQL/HeidiSQL/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Awine

But please avoid duplicates - watch out if the issue was not reported already.

vlad88sv's profile image vlad88sv posted 4 years ago Permalink

Thank you so much!

So bad it doesn't compile on Linux, I've been using Datagrip for this reason but it's nowhere as handy as HeidiSQL

ArVie's profile image ArVie posted 4 years ago Permalink

Ever heard of MeowSQL?


vlad88sv's profile image vlad88sv posted 4 years ago Permalink

Oh nice! I just tried it and it's (almost) perfect!!!

Seems it's still missing CSV import and a few other things but I think this will be my go-to app from now on.

Thank you @ArVie for suggesting it!

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

Oh I just see MeowSQL is a port of Heidi for Linux. We should probably share some resources, like translations from Transifex, and the same Github organization.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 days ago Permalink

Note I started working on a Linux version of HeidiSQL. A first binary and some details can be seen in issue #1482. Here's an early screenshot:


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