Add a tree config to tables pane, including column names

studeter's profile image studeter posted 1 year ago in Feature discussion Permalink

I'm in love with Heidi. It was first sight love... I have to confess it, Dark theme was the detail that made loose my head! ;) I came from another MySQL editor, missing this important detail, or partially developed to be exact. The only detail I miss on that editor is left pane detailed tree view to tables and columns, that you can grab and drop in SQL editor to don't remember (or search for) column names when you build a query, so I'm asking you to HeidiSQL developers please be kind and think about to add this featur to make PERFECT this beautiful tool.



ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 1 year ago Permalink

On the right side of each query tab you have a panel with the columns of the currently selected table: "Columns in ...".

Expanding it gives you some possibilities for inserting the column names comma separated, or as a complete query. Note you can also drag'n drop them.


studeter's profile image studeter posted 1 year ago Permalink

Thanks for the tip, angsgar! Got it.

studeter's profile image studeter posted 9 months ago Permalink

Hello @angsgar. After work all this time with Heidi, I feel that definitively is missing the feature of include in the left pane tree, all column branches, it would great if developers take the suggestion and add it in the near future. It's NOT comfortable searh for columns at the right side... There are a lot of another DB managers that get this feature, obviously there is a good reason why to get all relevant DB data in the left pane: get to the users an easy way to use the DB manager.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 weeks ago Permalink

This topic can now be found in issue #2069

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