Work in Linux

[expired user #10747]'s profile image [expired user #10747] posted 8 years ago in General Permalink

Hello! I'm new to looking for a free manager for mysql. How to run HeidiSQL on Linux Ubuntu. Thank you.

TTSneko's profile image TTSneko posted 8 years ago Permalink

HeidiSQL is a Windows program and does not run natively on Linux. You will have to install Wine or create a Windows Virtual Machine before being able to install/run HeidiSQL.

Seeing that the Linux world consists of umpteen different distros and desktop environments you should try to look up which specific installation procedures apply for your edition. While a stable version of Wine may be found in the repositories, updating to a more up-to-date version may also be problematic, depending on the state of your machine and your overall experience with Linux.

I got Wine stable under Linux Mint 17.3 and Debian 8.8 eventually but the whole process proved far too tedious and potentially dangerous as Wine may open a backdoor for Windows spamware/adware and virus crap as one can't firejail everything. But as you decided to use Ubuntu in the first place, potential privacy and security issues do not seem to bother you anyway. It's up to you.

[expired user #10747]'s profile image [expired user #10747] posted 8 years ago Permalink

Quite the contrary, confidentiality and security worry me the most. And I would be very grateful if you can tell me why I did not correctly choose Ubuntu. What do you advise? I'm using VPS on Ubuntu, so I chose Ubuntu instead of Windows desktop. Wine or any VM solutions I will not use. Best regards

TTSneko's profile image TTSneko posted 8 years ago Permalink

It may be inappropriate to discuss such specific Linux matters in length here so I will keep this short: Ubuntu comes with a pre-installed and not completely removable Amazon service which phones home. Parts of the user agreement mention that data is collected to 'improve Amazon services'.

Also the Dash/Lens is linked to Amazon servers meaning that all your online searches are shared with Amazon. Canonical promised that this function had been disabled by default by now but who would believe a company which obviously tried to sneak-serve a snoop to its users in the first place?

I won't say more in this matter. It's up to each and every user to decide for him/herself.

[expired user #10848]'s profile image [expired user #10848] posted 8 years ago Permalink

Heidi is a windows program ,it will not work with Linux normally.if you want to install Heidisql on linux,you can do that using "Wine" program or create a virtual machine.



ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 days ago Permalink

Note I started working on a Linux version of HeidiSQL. A first binary and some details can be seen in issue #1482. Here's an early screenshot:


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