New feature: Additive quick filters

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 12 years ago in News Permalink
Since r4412, HeidiSQL allows to append WHERE clauses to an existing filter clause, in the Data tab. So, when you now rightclick a field > Quick filter > "col = whatever", press the Shift key while clicking, and HeidiSQL appends the newly created filter with an AND instead of overwriting the old one.

Thanks to zykaradek for the idea!
1 attachment(s):
  • additive-quickfilters
[expired user #5151]'s profile image [expired user #5151] posted 12 years ago Permalink
Nice Feature! But there´s a small bug: When I select the second Quick Filter (with shift) it is added to the first filter, but the "Clear"-Button ("Leeren" in german, don´t know the exact word in the english version) gets disabled.
Note: It gets re-enabled if you then click in the filter-textfield.
Code modification/commit 3109547 from ansgar.becker, 12 years ago, revision
Fix disabled "clear" button after adding AND filter in data tab. See
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 12 years ago Permalink
Fixed in r4413

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