Revision 4514 "Donate" button(s)
One problem though - I went to make a donation but the PayPal page is entiry in German (which I can't understand - sorry) and I could not find Uk or England or Great Britain or GB etc in the list of countries.
Does this link also show up in German for you?
I found some hints on that "lc" parameter, which I probably populated with a wrong "EN", where "GB" is probably the right one. Not sure, as sometimes that works here, and the next time it's in German again.
I was stating that the overstated and over vibrant "DONATE" button was obtrusive, which it is. I never said donating was bad.
But since you decided to nag me with a highly obtrusive "DONATE" button that is permanently on the screen at all times while I am using HeidiSQL, I have decided it is time for me, and thee to part company.
I wouldn't have objected to such a button if it was more subtle, but bright green like that? No, just no.
Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
The banner is not the worst thing in the world, but the execution comes off a bit forced and I think that's why people are commenting on it. Personally, I feel much more likely to support a project I believe in when they have annual or semi-annual pledge drive. All I need is an email or two reminding me you're trying to raise X amount of dollars to cover server costs and I can donate and forget about it for the time being. Having HeidiSQL as part of my daily tools is wonderful, but I think the constant begging may turn some folks off altogether.
I do intend on donating in the near future, but for now, I'll stick with v8.0 (
I just think the donate button is not too annoying. Everyone can happily ignore it the whole life long. That's the basic idea of donations - they are and will always be voluntary. The button is not meant to be a begging button, just a reminder for users that he's using a totally free software for enterprise business tasks. Of course this is just what I am intending - you can be right too, this depends on what the individual user feels when his eyes are caught by that button. Hmm.
Believe it or not, people does not always complaint massively about everything and I definitively kept my feelings to myself. For whatever the reason, Anse has decided to deprive himself of sleep hours in order to maintain HeidiSQL so he can qualify for harsh recriminations, hosting service bills and hordes of grouppies. I simply didn't feel right to complaint. Don't take me wrong: I honestly think it's okay to ask for donations and it's fairly obvious by now that the Big Fat Donate Button has increased donations. But I do not like the button at all: it's too outstanding and gaudy; it makes HeidiSQL feel like dubious shareware.
I'm not willing to grab a Delphi compiler, edit out the Big Fat Donate Button and get my own Big Fat Donate Button-fee binary. I love that Anse (or Anse's scripts or Anse's sweatshop kids) does all that annoying work for me. Thus I will not complaint.
But I'll be amused it the toolbar button gets a more subtle design.
So, what about that:
* I'll restore the button position after moving its toolbar and restarting HeidiSQL
* Secondly, the button itself will get a subline "Support HeidiSQL" and the "Donate" text size gets decreased a bit.
This way, it's probably more clear you did not grab some shitty dubious shareware, and the smaller font size is less intrusive than now.
Anyway, as I've stated above, there is a very simple hack to stop those donate buttons from appearing and the program works fine. I'm one of those people who would donate, if we could compromise on the donate button. Let that DONATE button be as big and multi-colored as you wish on the server logon screen, but then once you've connected and are working with a database, ... *poof* it should be gone. Unless we click the "Help->about", the donate button should go away while we're working in the program.
This is my opinion. I have every freedom to not use your software if I wish, I understand that. I'm not being argumentative or rude. You've done FANTASTIC and very praise worthy work with HeidiSQL. I absolutely love it, albeit the Donate button once you've logged onto a server. Sorry, I don't coddle or sugar coat the facts no matter how well your program is and how popular it is. The way you have the donate button now is tacky and obtrusive. It is what it is.
This is much work, as the current main menu does not accept right aligned labels which I wanted to have. So I was trying out the different menus and toolbars available in Delphi, avoiding third party components. I decided for the "TCoolBar", which is in my understanding a pure Windows control without much code from Delphi itself (which is the case for TControlBar). First the TCoolBar looked totally buggy when I was dragging its bands up and down and right and left. But it turned out I had to carefully set the properties of its bands, and then it worked stable, and I even can store+restore its positions and widths. So you will be able to drag the main menu into the same row as the toolbar, to save space. The donate button is still right aligned and nice and small enough to satisfy all complaints, isn't it? Also, users with inactive "Check for updated builds" option get a descent hint with that label in the menu.
Hopefully others will agree, but I think the design in the screenshot serves as a nice resolution to this thread.
Convert main menu and toolbars from TControlBar to TCoolBar, to be able to place an "Update available" link right aligned on the menu.
* Also, convert the donate button to a second label on the menu, so it's less intrusive than before. See
* With the "Update available" label visible all the time, we check for updates also for builds, but only show the update check dialog if the user has activated "Check for builds also" option.
My first impression when I saw it after updating was quite unpleasant.
I ended up strongly debating with myself which of the following options to use.
*Go back to a previous version
Hate this, as it would mean I am not getting newest version, but so far seems like best solution.
*Find a hack to remove the banner
I kinda dislike that for several reason, both what will I get, and I am a strong believer of your tool, your choice.
*Try and ignore it
And hope you come to your senses and remove it/make it less obtrusive in the daily work.
*Feel forced to donate to get rid of it
But it gives me the feeling of the "terrorist win". So I highly doubt this will be the case.
*Find an alternative tool
Another great option as I see it, shame gotten used to this, like it.
The conclusion I reached is that I will continue with the tool as is the year out. If the banner is still there, I will look for another tool.
If the banner instead is gone/made less obtrusive to a level I do not feel it is an eyesore staring back at me when I use the tool, then I will be donating, and feel great knowing that a good choice were made.
I would like to disable the donate button and therefore want to donate some €. I will not use paypall ( they want me to sell my soul for transfering some euros. wtf? ) I would like to send the donation to IBAN: DE22403619064441777201. But how can I disable the button if I do so? Shall I put my email-address into bank transfer formular?
Donating should be easier. I know that I payed some services online with my credit card without giving away so much information and allowing them to send it to everyone (like schufa). Just the information from the credit card, thats it. And I want to disable the button now and not in 3 days when the money arrives at its destination. Money transfers still not solved :-(
You're right. It's just that most payment providers want huge fees. If you can recommend some good one which does not want the soul of the payer, please tell me.
For the IBAN thing: yes, you can put the email into the subject of the transfer. Or, send me a separately and include the id of the transfer or something like that. My email address is displayed on the imprint page.
There is an online-check if the address really has done a donation, so you need an internet connection. If you don't have one, HeidiSQL cannot check it and will show the donate button. Probably there is a firewall problem too? Not sure. Does it take some time (more than 10 seconds) for HeidiSQL to start?
This donate button is really not bad at all. I've been using Heidi for years now and never really noticed it. So many other freeware programs do it worse. Popups repeatedly asking for you to donate. One small banner like this is in my opinion very reasonable.
I decided to donate, not to get rid of this button (I wouldn't even care if donating didn't remove it) but because I've tried other software and none are as easy to use. Keep up the good work!
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