Grab it from the download page
New features and enhancements in this version:
- Theme preview in preferences dialog
- "Library" dropdown in session manager, to enhance support for older and newer MySQL and MariaDB versions
- Various new shortcuts in the "Go to" menu, e.g. for switching between result and query area
- Support newer plink versions for SSH tunneled connections
- Grid rightclick on cell: "Open in webbrowser" for fields containing a web url
- Support for client_ed25519 MariaDB plugin
- Support for SSH tunneled connections to PostgreSQL servers
- Support for SSL on PostgreSQL servers
- "Same text" background color in grid now applies to neigbour fields in selected row as well
- Support for connections to Amazon Redshift (basically older PostgreSQL servers)
- Restored query tabs also restore bind parameters
- New option in grid export dialog: "Remove linebreaks from data"
- New option to remove DEFINER clauses in SQL export option drop-down
- Increase compatibility of table editor on PostgreSQL
- Reverts earlier attempts for native high DPI support, so scaling is done by Windows again (blurry but less buggy)
- Auto-detected Chinese localization fixed
- Compatibility to MySQL 4 restored
- Various fixes for SSL on MySQL and MariaDB
- Fixed broken "undo" after auto-uppercased SQL keyword
- Fixed crash when switching to table/database with same name on different server
- Fixed invisible column comments on PostgreSQL
- Fixed unsupported def.adsrc on PostgreSQL 12
- Ctrl+Backspace in text boxes deletes left word, instead of writing cryptic character
- Fixed update SQL for JSON columns in PostgreSQL
- Fixed disappearing table comments after saving
- Fixed warning about unsafe query when fooled with a commented WHERE clause
Complete change list: