HeidiSQL 10.3 released

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago in Anouncements Permalink

Grab it from the download page

New features and enhancements in this version:

  • Theme preview in preferences dialog
  • "Library" dropdown in session manager, to enhance support for older and newer MySQL and MariaDB versions
  • Various new shortcuts in the "Go to" menu, e.g. for switching between result and query area
  • Support newer plink versions for SSH tunneled connections
  • Grid rightclick on cell: "Open in webbrowser" for fields containing a web url
  • Support for client_ed25519 MariaDB plugin
  • Support for SSH tunneled connections to PostgreSQL servers
  • Support for SSL on PostgreSQL servers
  • "Same text" background color in grid now applies to neigbour fields in selected row as well
  • Support for connections to Amazon Redshift (basically older PostgreSQL servers)
  • Restored query tabs also restore bind parameters
  • New option in grid export dialog: "Remove linebreaks from data"
  • New option to remove DEFINER clauses in SQL export option drop-down
  • Increase compatibility of table editor on PostgreSQL


  • Reverts earlier attempts for native high DPI support, so scaling is done by Windows again (blurry but less buggy)
  • Auto-detected Chinese localization fixed
  • Compatibility to MySQL 4 restored
  • Various fixes for SSL on MySQL and MariaDB
  • Fixed broken "undo" after auto-uppercased SQL keyword
  • Fixed crash when switching to table/database with same name on different server
  • Fixed invisible column comments on PostgreSQL
  • Fixed unsupported def.adsrc on PostgreSQL 12
  • Ctrl+Backspace in text boxes deletes left word, instead of writing cryptic character
  • Fixed update SQL for JSON columns in PostgreSQL
  • Fixed disappearing table comments after saving
  • Fixed warning about unsafe query when fooled with a commented WHERE clause

Complete change list: https://github.com/HeidiSQL/HeidiSQL/milestone/3?closed=1

qazwer564's profile image qazwer564 posted 5 years ago Permalink

Thank you !

oldmax's profile image oldmax posted 5 years ago Permalink

In "Session manager" "Library" are only 3 mysql dll's dropdown list (see attachment img). PostgreSQL support dll ho i select ?

thank you


1 attachment(s):
  • HeidiSQL-no-libpq-dll
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink

That was a bug I recently fixed for the nightly builds. You can work around that by pressing the "Save" button, then selecting a different session and once again the one you created before.

Or just update to the latest build through Help > Check for updates.

allwi's profile image allwi posted 5 years ago Permalink

Hi Ansgar, I had the same issue as oldmax. I updated HeidiSQL as suggested by you but now I get - after the upgrade but also when I deinstall HeidiSQL completely and replace it with an earlier version - the attachec error message. I guess I need to clean some old config.files?

1 attachment(s):
  • 2020-01-28-15_54_24-Window
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink

You got that after downgrading HeidiSQL, right? You should not do that. Configuration settings are not backward compatible.

allwi's profile image allwi posted 5 years ago Permalink

I got the error ALSO after I downgraded. I only tried to downgrade because I got the error the first time after I updated to the latest build through Help > Check for updates.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink

Sorry for the mess, that should not happen normally.

I recommend editing the session mentioned in the error message, and set the "Network type" once again as it should be, the press the save button.

oldmax's profile image oldmax posted 5 years ago Permalink

Thank ansgar. As suggested I set the connection type(postgresql), save, then returned to the form and with surprise the dll was set right (libpq.dll).



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