Option to auto expand Columns

mrforsythexeter's profile image mrforsythexeter posted 14 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink
It would be good if when selecting a table we could have an option to auto expand the columns in the query tabs, as in old versions the columns where just displayed. This has changed my work flow a bit.
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 14 years ago Permalink
Once the column node is expanded it stays open, so not a problem is it?
mrforsythexeter's profile image mrforsythexeter posted 14 years ago Permalink
Not to bad, just doesn't remember when creating a new query tab.
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 14 years ago Permalink
Well... not something which should be changed.
mrforsythexeter's profile image mrforsythexeter posted 14 years ago Permalink
OK, thank you for listening

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