Next Data field edit with Tab key

Mankra's profile image Mankra posted 5 years ago in General Permalink

Hello to the communitiy.

Sorry, for the maybe dump question: I work with HeidiSQL since about 10 years. Now I have it installed at my new PC. Earlier it was able to go to the next data field with the tab key and edit this field. Now at the new installation I have to double click, to edit the next field. I have searched, but found no Option for this.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink

This is an issue in v11, not sure what I did to break it. However, you can star issue #937

Mankra's profile image Mankra posted 5 years ago Permalink

Thanks for repley

I this new behavor an Error or new "Feature"?

Will this be fixed?'s profile image posted 2 years ago Permalink

I also have this problem and miss this functionality very hard. Is there a fix?

Rikai.Design's profile image Rikai.Design posted 2 years ago Permalink

version and the problem persists still

TTSneko's profile image TTSneko posted 2 years ago Permalink

No problems here, neither with nor

pshep123's profile image pshep123 posted 2 years ago Permalink

Still an issue on

TTSneko's profile image TTSneko posted 2 years ago Permalink

Let me guess, you all have nvidia VGA?

Rikai.Design's profile image Rikai.Design posted 2 years ago Permalink

Radeon RX 570 here and not working. Not working on a laptop with Nvidia as well

Mankra's profile image Mankra posted 2 years ago Permalink

Maybe the same Error again in the new Versions?

I have some time ago updated to version and here HeidiSQL stays in Edit Mode.

Rikai.Design's profile image Rikai.Design posted 2 years ago Permalink

I get a noticable screen update when trying to tab to the next column. Its as if some other process is attempting to update the display of the subesquent table entries. Curiously, you'll see that the 'update' extends beyond the field definition area as I try to tab from a table field in the lower part of the screen.

1 attachment(s):
BerLech's profile image BerLech posted 2 years ago Permalink

Hi folks,

I have seen this behaviour after upgrading from to The same version Rikai.Design used and he failed also but TTSneko had no issues. Strange. Ansgar mentioned, this is an issue of v11 but as v12.0 worked for me and 12.3 not, there might be a new regression or any side effect caused by ... OS? By the way, I used HeidiSQL on HP Notebook with up-to-date Windows 10 and nVidia Quadro P600. Downgrading to solved the issue on the HP Notebook.

A quick Test on a Lenovo Notebook with W10 and nVidia Gforce RTX 2060 showed the same problem with Upgrading to, same problem. Downgrading to and the problem was solved.

In short words, at least for me it looks like a regression between and I did not check any nightly.

Hopefully, this helps to discover the issue.

Thanks for this incredible piece of software, I (not only) should really think about donating.

kapeha's profile image kapeha posted 2 years ago Permalink

Same behaviour here in version 12.4.6659

  1. Press F2 to edit
  2. Press Tab to move to the next column
  3. Edit-Mode is canceled

It looks like when the edit field is moved to the next column, another control gets focused and the edit field is closed because of that. The database and table filter fields are repainted as well.

Tested on Windows Server 2022 with Remote Desktop, so no special graphics card involved.

Makkeysn's profile image Makkeysn posted 2 years ago Permalink

I recognized the same issue after updating to HeidiSQL Hope, this will get fixed soon, because it means a loss of comfort to me...

Makkeysn's profile image Makkeysn posted 1 year ago Permalink

I just updated to HeidiSQL and the issue described above is still present.

BerLech's profile image BerLech posted 1 year ago Permalink


as of the long history of this issue, I stuck with version until now, which worked so far for me. In the mean time this version is fairly outdated.

Now I have a new notebook, wich uses a AMD Ryzen 7 5825U with integrated Radeon graphic engine, running Windows 11 23H2. So I decided to install the actual version and give it a try. But still I see the same problem. The line edit mode is left after each pressing of the tab key. I have to press the enter key again to type in the next value.

In the past it was mentioned that this is a behaviour with nVidia GPU's but as I use AMD Radeon now, this seems to be not true.

Ansgar, please check this issue again. Several people have this problem, it's not only me. There is even a 2nd thread called "tab edit gone?" but this gives no solution either. If I can do anything to help, identifying this issue (special log files, ...), I am happy to assist.

Have a great day!

BerLech's profile image BerLech posted 1 month ago Permalink


I just wanna ask if there are any news regarding this long-time issue. Today I gave the version a chance, but still I found the same problem.

As I already mentioned, the problem came in between and

Have a nice weekend!

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