Strange behaviour on importing tables

mbedrac's profile image mbedrac posted 11 years ago in Import/Export Permalink
I have 556 tables in database and I exported the whole database from my web server and imported to empty database but only 540 tables were imported. How is it possible? There must be something with foreign keys, but what? And why HeidiSQL doesn't report anything?
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 11 years ago Permalink
When exporting, you need to check the result list, which shows rows and duration. Errors are red, and probably you have some tables which make problems here, or views.
mbedrac's profile image mbedrac posted 11 years ago Permalink
I'm doing it the same way almost one year but I always check the number od tables after import. Till yesterday it was working well, now not anymore. Strange. I'll do some more checks.

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