HeidiSQL doesn't support table schemas in SQL Server?
The query should be SELECT TOP 1000 * FROM [AdventureWorks2012].[Person].[BusinessEntityAddress]
I just tested something here, on a local MSSQL Express 2012 server. I created a new table in a new database, and the schema was automatically set to dbo. My knowledge about MSSQL is limited, so you could post some SQL code for creating a schema and a table in that schema. Afterwards, I can fix or at least analyze the issue.
On server:2017-CU24-ubuntu-16.04 I get the same problem.
Root of the problem is the schema is never defined in sys.schemas
The following will create the customer
schema if does not exist, which will remedy this SQL server problem
with HeidiSQL.
IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = N'customer' ) EXEC('CREATE SCHEMA [customer] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]'); GO
Upon further testing, I don't think the above fixes it. Seems like there may be some type of race condition, I would need to test further. However, if you are having issues, I feel like playing with the SCHEMA definitions did help me (may be unrelated though).
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