Unknown SSL-Error 0x8009035d

[expired user #2862]'s profile image [expired user #2862] posted 7 years ago in Import/Export Permalink


I wanted to migrate my programs and clients from good old WINX-Pro to middleaged Win7-Pro. Also my HeidiSQL Client should been reinstalled.

I could export end import the settings. I could reassign the path to the SSL-Key.

Unforunately I allways get an error "Unknown SSL-Error 0x8009035d". Nevertheless I can't not even assign to which instance the error message belongs.

No request arrives on the remote host

I hope for answers with pleasure
With kind regards

[expired user #2862]'s profile image [expired user #2862] posted 7 years ago Permalink

Additional Info:

Using HeidiSQL on my old WinXP-Pro all works still fine. I'm not thinking of a bug in HeidiSQL. Nevertheless I'm not able to connect fro Win-7-Pro.


[expired user #2862]'s profile image [expired user #2862] posted 7 years ago Permalink

Further Info:

Both systems have the same version of HeidiSQL ( with the same Build-No installed. The only difference is: WinXP -> 32-bit version, Win7 -> 64-bit version of HeidiSQL

Firewall seams to be not blocking the requests.
I can't find the reason.

[expired user #2862]'s profile image [expired user #2862] posted 7 years ago Permalink

I am getting more and more desperate:

Following the instructions at https://www.thomas-krenn.com/en/wiki/MySQL_Connections_with_SSL_casting I have re-created the keys. On the old WinXP Pro system, the connection is running "grant ... require SSL". It does not work with "grant ... require X509".

On Win7 Pro, I still get "Unknown SSL Error (0x8009035d)". No requests are reaching the server.

Could it possibly be a bug in the build?

[expired user #2862]'s profile image [expired user #2862] posted 7 years ago Permalink


Reading a lot and playing good old "trial and error" game I succeded at least:

  1. Added in my.cnf:
    *ssl-cipher = AES256-SHA:DHE-DSS-AES256-SHA:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA
  2. used that cipher in HeidiSQL @ "SSL Verschlüsselung" as value

Now I can connect via SSL encryption with HeidiSQL 64Bit from Win7 to MySQL-Remote-Server

*** P u h ! ***

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