Detect Changes to Open Files - On Focus

aSystemOverload's profile image aSystemOverload posted 5 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink

Hey, I tend to have a .SQL file open in Heidi and NotePad++ as it is far easier to edit in NotePad++. My issue, is that whenever I do a save, Heidi spawns a 'HEY, IT'S CHANGED - RELOAD?' message. If I spend 30min+ working on the file, saving several times along the way. When I get back to Heidi, I have 5+ dialogue boxes to hit [OK], for the same file. Is it possible to only check for changes (or spawn dialogue boxes) when Heidi has focus?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink

That makes sense, yes. But that won't be as easy as it sounds I suppose. So I would like you to write that as a new issue in the bugtracker.

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