Automatically reconnect to SQL Server?

paul's profile image paul posted 4 years ago in General Permalink


I notice that if my connection drops to a MySQL database (eg. when computer goes to sleep, switch WiFi, etc), then HeidiSQL can automatically reconnect, or I can press F5 to trigger a reconnect. This is very convenient and I like it!

But if I am connected to a SQL Server database, it doesn't :( I can only disconnect or close the app and connect again manually.

Any chance you could add the same automatic reconnect behaviour for SQL Server databases?


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

Same thing just noticed here. Not sure why that is no longer working.

Could you please file a bug report for that issue?

paul's profile image paul posted 4 years ago Permalink

Sure, #1288

zeroyd's profile image zeroyd posted 3 years ago Permalink

Please fix this, because it's inefficient if I return to the distributed work the next day and the connection is lost. I have to reconnect and lose the view I had before. It would be enough to just check if the connection is good and if not, connect automatically. Check maybe a max of 5 times to avoid looping in case of a real network connection loss.

obol's profile image obol posted 3 years ago Permalink

Such a basic and necessary feature that I wonder why wasn't implemented already. I've the latest version for windows and every-time there is a problem with the internet connection it crashes I need to reopen and do everything again.

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