Uselessly vague error SQL Error (1062): Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY' for entire DB import

JAB Creations's profile image JAB Creations posted 4 years ago in General Permalink

HeidiSQL has been fantastic for the most part though I often synchronize databases manually. Unfortunately I encountered a pointlessly vague error message:

SQL Error (1062): Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'

...for which table? I exported live server databases and then dropped the local ones. Then I imported each SQL export via Run file. That particular database is 782 megabytes in size and I have to wait upwards of a minute to search for the string "(1," (without quotes) in hopes of fixing the issue and importing the database.

Please have this error message updated to include the name of the database table, that would make a world of difference in these scenarios.

JAB Creations's profile image JAB Creations posted 4 years ago Permalink

Please disregard; it turns out multiple instances were running (I was not opening them and only using the mouse). Odd...

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