Cannot connect to MariaDB with in Connection Manager stored password

tgmm_de's profile image tgmm_de posted 3 years ago in Creating a connection Permalink

I have (between other working user/schema) one user/schema on my mariaDB with a more complicated Password (12 characters containing a dot, an Euro-Char and a Dollar-Char). Therefore I want to store the password together with the user/schema-name in the Connection Manager. As long as I've fresh entered the Password, it works well. But as soon as I've stored the modification in the Connection manager, the connection to the database is refused.

I think the problem is one of the special characters but which and why (because if I remember my first evaluation of HeidiSQL with Version 8.1 right, there was no such problem with the same user/password)


Thomas G.M. Mainka

Sorry for my bad english ... (and I'm primary an oracle database programmer/administrator and use MariaSQL only for my private projects)

tgmm_de's profile image tgmm_de posted 3 years ago Permalink

Sorry, the first evalated version (which had no such problems as far as I remember) was 11.1 or 11.0 and not 8.1 (I had an other tool in my head as I've wrote the version of my first evaluated HeidiSQL. :-) )

cuagn Thomas G.M. Mainka

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Can confirm that. The Euro sign is restored as a two-byte string. I will check where exactly that happens.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Bad news is the stored passwords cannot be restored correctly in such cases. Problem is they mix up 1-byte and 2-byte characters, and there is no delimiter for detecting the length of them.

As a workaround, activate "Prompt for credentials", when your password uses one or more multibyte characters.

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