Postgres Array data types

inkihh's profile image inkihh posted 3 years ago in General Permalink


I connected to a postgres database that contains array data types like VARCHAR[]. However, these columns show up with UNKNOWN as data type. Can anybody help?

Thanks, inkihh

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

These array types are not supported natively in HeidiSQL. They will however show up with that UNKNOWN type, and you should be able to edit them, or probably not in a way you need it.

inkihh's profile image inkihh posted 3 years ago Permalink

So what does this effectively mean? I can't use Heidisql with Postgres databases that contain array types?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

You will have to decide yourself whether you can work around these limitations.

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